Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Swingless: Day Two

Yesterday was day two without the swing. It was MUCH easier. I have just taken the swing out of the equation. If it isn't an option, I don't have to use it!

Revelation of the day: I am as addicted to the swing as Cal is!

Day two was great. He slept through the night the night before, and that morning, we got up and played, and I had to run a bunch of errands for Eddie's birthday. I loaded up the stroller and took Cal on a long walk before that. He crashed for about 35 minutes of the walk and woke up happy as can be.
He took his afternoon nap in his crib. He woke up a couple of times during his nap, but he would grab his paci and fall right back asleep! I think he was down for just over 2 hours. We are getting there!

We are making process-- he is now going down for bed without screaming, and he slept through the night last night too (YAY!), but wouldn't nap in his crib for his afternoon nap. We took a loooong walk and he crashed then. Baby steps!

Eddie is at the Master's this weekend, so it's just me and Cal (and Hank!). I can be tough momma these next few days when he's crying. I don't want him to wake Eddie up when he has to get up to go to work, so I jump up every time he cries in the night.

It's been 2 nights in a row that he slept through the night.....will tonight make it 3??????? Fingers crossed!!!

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