Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Swingless: Day One

We have given up the swing. I mean it. We are done with it.

Yesterday was the first day:

Cal struggled to go down for a morning nap. I could feel myself getting frustrated because he was SO tired, but he just wouldn't give it up. I was rocking him to sleep and I should have just let him cry it out. At any rate, I rocked him to sleep and he slept for 45 minutes.

I talked with a good friend in the afternoon who told me about getting her twin boys back into a routine/retraining them and she said her nanny/nurse told her that they have to cry it out and learn that you aren't going to go in and pick them up every time they cry. Soooo...

For the afternoon nap, I put home boy down in his crib and he screamed for 22 minutes and then was sound asleep for over 2 hours. It was great!

Cal went down for bed around 8:30 ish and I sat him up in the crib (I have found that he likes to sit up and then lay down where he's comfortable, as opposed to me laying him down in a spot). He cried for about 10 minutes and then.... HE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!! We didn't hear a peep from him until 6:30! YAY!

If that lamb swing is the cause of him not sleeping through the night until now, I might scream..... but I love that swing so much......

here's hoping day 2 goes as well as day 1!

1 comment:

Chats with Jack said...

Must have been something in the air, because both our boys slept in their cribs last night. After a few nights of real sleep, you'll feel like a new woman.