Sunday, April 25, 2010

Big Boy Carseat!

It was time.... Cal's long legs were continuously kicking the back of the seat! My parents bought Jackson, their other grandson, a new car seat when he out grew his infant one, so they did the same for Cal today. We went to Bye Bye Baby and picked out Cal's new seat! He LOVES it-- he can sit up and look around! The girl in the store kept telling us that since he was right at 20 pounds, we were okay to face him to the front of the car (!!). I thought you had to wait until he was a year AND over 20 pounds, but she kept insisting otherwise. She said his legs were too long to face the back of the car and we needed to face him to the front. Whether or not she was correct, Cal is facing the back of the car and is happy as can be!

When did you turn your baby around? Was the lady in the store right?
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Danita said...

We just had Quinn's one year check up last week and our pediatrician told us to turn the car seat around at 20 pounds AND one year. She said the longer you wait, the better. Good thing you listened to your instincts!

Chats with Jack said...

I have read recent reports that recommend facing them backwards as long as the car seat will allow--even 30 lbs. It's tempting to turn them, but right now he doesn't know what he's missing! I agree with Danita: good job following your instincts.