Friday, January 15, 2010

More Sleep Battles

Well, so much for hoping Cal would be sleeping through the night after our good night 2 nights ago.... we have not had luck since.

I am not feeding him in the night any more though... he wakes up and I go in there, put the paci in, and rub his back/face until he falls asleep again. I have not fed him in the night in 3 nights now (doesn't sound like a lot, but it feels like a lot to me!). Because I am not feeding him, he is waking up more often....

Last night, he went down around 9, was up at 12, 2, 4, and 5:45. At 5:45, I changed his diaper and fed him in bed with us and then he fell asleep until 7:45. He did this same thing the night before. I am hoping that he will learn that he won't get food when he wakes up, so he should just stay asleep, but so far, he is just waking up more often....

What do y'all think? Should I just feed him and have him only get up once or twice? Or should I stick to my guns and not feed him, since I know he can go the whole night without eating...


Steph said...

i think you need to do what works for you!! if you want longer stretches of sleep, maybe just feed him...i don't know though, you just need to do what feels right to you!! :) hang in there!!! this too shall pass and before you know it he'll be sleeping through the night ALL the time!!! <3

Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

I stopped feeding Jack at 3 months old and at 5 months we did cry it out. Some people are really opposed to it but it was two nights of long crying stretches and that was it:) My favorite sleep book that I still refer to is called Healthy sleep habits, happy baby and it is amazing. It's about babies sleep, not a strategy to get them to sleep but it really helped me to understand how to train my kids. I am kinda ridiculous when it comes to sleep training and it was a priority for both kids and it will be for Ryan too. But i have two great sleepers (12+hours at night and one 2-3 hr nap each). I find that when they are well rested they are happier and healthier. I think that when they don't have a long stretch of sleep, it is really disruptive...ok off of my soapbox!