Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Turkey Day flying to Texas

We flew out Thanksgiving Day morning to Fort Worth to spend Thanksgiving with Eddie's family. Cal had a SUPER cute Thanksgiving Day outfit (if I do say so myself!), that was just about too small on him :). Good thing he couldn't eat everything on turkey day....it certainly would not have fit by the end of the day! Pics of this in next post...
Our flight was super early on Thursday, and I was pretty much a stress case trying to get everything ready to go. We did not take a stroller or car seat, so we didn't have to lug those items (we borrowed them from someone in Texas). I carried my diaper bag and Cal in the Baby Bjorn and put other important things in a carry on suitcase. When we got out of the car and loaded Cal in the carrier, he fell asleep immediately. We walked through the "special needs" line in the airport and they let me keep Cal in the carrier without having to take him out (PHEW!).
Cal in the carrier.....ready to go!

We got bulk head seats on the plane, so we have plenty of leg room. He woke up when we sat down, but wasn't fussy at all. I got out the "Hooter Hider" (hilarious name, by the way--ha!), and he ate away during take off. He fell right asleep and slept until we landed in Atlanta!

Snoozin' on the plane-- no big deal!!

In Atlanta, Eddie's sister, Carrie, met us at the gate; she was on the same flight from ATL to DFW! We were able to rearrange seats so that we could all be in a row together, so I wasn't going to be feeding him with a stranger right next to us. Again, I feed him on take off and he sleep the rest of the flight! PHEW!

Sitting in the Atlanta airport with Aunt Ceebs!

From Atlanta to Dallas/Fort Worth!

I was a nervous mess about flying with him, but he seriously did not cry once! On our first flight of the day, there were like 30 babies on the flight so it was a noisy flight, but our little guy wasn't adding to the chaos!

WE MADE IT! I was beyond exhausted by Thursday night (all the food might have something to do with that.....), but we did it! PHEW!

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