Wednesday, December 23, 2009

14 week check up!

We had a check up this morning so that Cal could get his booster shots before we traveled to Arizona for the bowl game.

Some highlights:
Weight: 15 pounds, 3 ounces-- 75th percentile
Height: 24 inches-- just below 75th percentile
Head Circumference-- 90th percentile (he is going to be SUPER smart!)

So funny: we have been battling with his sleep lately and we have really fallen into a great routine. Our appointment was at 8 this morning, so we were up an attum pretty early. Cal got up at 5 to feed (sigh) and went back to sleep hard. I could NOT wake him up to get him dressed this morning! I put him on his back, took off his clothes, and rubbed his belly.... NOTHING would work! It was too funny, and so ironic that when I am trying to WAKE him, he is dead to the world! Here is a picture of him from this morning....
Since Cal is still waking up at least one time a night (again, SIGH), our doctor told us it would be okay to give him a bottle of water when he wakes up, to show him that he isn't going to get the good stuff-- ha. The trick about that is Eddie has to give him the bottle. If I do it, he can smell my milk and will be SUPER unhappy and just freak out even more. Can you see why I am loving this new plan???? We'll see if it actually works. Eddie is a super heavy sleeper and doesn't hear him most of the time, and in the morning asks me how Cal did during the night. So, I would end up getting up anyway.

Speaking of routines.... just like Stephanie said, we have fallen into a great routine! It is just so much easier when things are predictable. He was going to bed at 9, getting up around 3, and then sleeping until 6:30. He got a cold last week and we had several very very very rough nights with my boy up because he couldn't breath out of his nose, and that is tough when sleeping on the stomach. But we are getting back into that, as last night was great. BUT, we are leaving for Arizona on Jan. 29th. There is a 3 hour time difference. How is THAT going to work with our routine??? Will he be going to bed at 6 their time (9 here)? and what on earth time will he be getting up in the morning? For the third time in this post, SIGH. (haha-- I am so dramatic). It will be fine. I will just be pretty exhausted and will have to go to sleep at 6 at night when he does! Oh, and can you imagine me staying up to ring in the new year? That will be 3 am here!!! HA! I am an oooooold lady now.

Anyway.... I am SO thankful to have a happy and healthy sweet baby boy, who is now napping in his swing after a rough morning of shots :(

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