Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bringing Home Baby

We weren't sure when we are going to be released from the hospital. Cal inhaled some meconium when he was born and it took him a while to snap out of it (their words!) when he was born, so he was in the special needs nursery right away until Saturday. They ran a bunch of tests on him to rule out infection. He had a very high white blood cell count, which could be a sign of infection so they had to monitor him and even gave him a spinal tap to rule out meningitis (talk about scaring momma!).

They wheeled him into the room on Saturday afternoon and I about died. He hadn't been out of the special needs room the entire time and I was just to happy to see him in our room! The sweet intern that had been working with us had really been trying to get us discharged on Saturday and it worked! We received word that we would be out of there around 4:30! YAY!

Here are some pics from our trip out of the hospital:
Dad carrying his car seat down the halls of the hospital. He was anxious to get him out of there!
The sign waiting for us announcing the arrival of Cal!!!

Home Sweet Home!

1 comment:

Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

love reading the updates...sounds like he is doing well!