Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Doc appointment and some sad news

I guess I shouldn't put that as the heading.... the doctor's appointment today was great: nothing but good news.  I was worried because the last time I went, the doctor told me that the next doctor I saw might say something about my weight.  GREAT.  I know I am going to gain weight, and I am fine with that, but I also don't want a doctor telling me I have gained too much, etc...  I have been working out and feeling fine, so if he had anything to say, I was ready with a defense.  He did have something to say: a compliment!  He told me I was gaining the right amount of weight.  He told me if he had been the one to see me a few months ago when I had my "spurt" then he would have told me to slow down a little bit, but all the exercise I have been doing seems to be paying off.  Phew!  The heartbeat was great and everything is measuring as fine.  I could feel some movement going on when I went to lay down on the table and I asked him about the tightening in my stomach and he told me I was having a contraction...!!!  How about that?  I have been feeling it for a while now, so it is crazy to think those feelings are actually contractions.  Obviously, when it's "go time" the contractions will feel nothing like that and will be a WHOLE lot more painful... Also, my blood came back that I am slightly anemic.  Apparently, my mom was big time when she was pregnant, so this isn't too big of a surprise.  It just makes me get more tired easier.  This makes sense because I have become accustomed to taking an afternoon nap every day.  He put me on an iron supplement, and then also suggested I immediately take a stool softener as well (sorry-- this is getting graphic!) because the iron will umm... back me up....?  I went to the pharmacy and the lady working saw what I was buying (just the iron), and made me go to aisle 16 for the laxatives!  She said she couldn't let me buy one without the other-- funny!

So now, on to the sad news....

Many of you may have heard of the shooting on ECU's campus.  Well, the kid that was shot, Landon Blackley is a close family friend of ours.  His dad works at Edward Jones with my dad and Eddie and Chris.  He started before my dad did and we have known him for 20 years.  Landon was 21 when he was shot, so you can see we have known him a long time.  Apparently, he walked outside of a bar in downtown Greenville at closing, and a man drove by and opened fire.  He shot two people: Landon and a bar manager.  They were just innocent bystanders that had nothing to do with the shooter.  I know this is a baby blog and I should be writing about baby things and growth spurts, etc, but this is just weighing heavily on my heart and my mind and I need an outlet somewhere.  I was not good friends with Landon at all, but I have known his family for so long that I just hurt for them.  I also hurt for my parents at what they must be going through.  I know it's tough for parents to see other parents lose a child.  I can't imagine what the Blackley's are going through.  If you do hear of this story on the news, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers (or if you don't hear about it on the news, still think about them...).  We are all very sad and heartbroken by the whole thing, and wish the Blackley's some kind of comfort during this time.  Thanks for reading all the way down.

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