Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Movin' on up!

Yesterday, as lunch was about to start, my cell phone rang, and I saw the number for the OB's office.  I answered it, and the person said, "Oh Carrie, I am so sorry to have to call and do this to you..."  I swear, I think my heart stopped beating!  My hand immediately went to my tummy and I quickly sat down. (such the drama queen, I swear!).  

I soon realized that the baby is fine and it was the appointments person calling to cancel my May 1st ultrasound.  The technician wouldn't be in that day, so we would have to reschedule. As relieved as I was, I was not very happy that I would have to push the date back even more!

The lady asked what days I was free the following week, and I told her I was free the entire week leading up to the 1st of May (:)) .  She said since I was so willing to work with them with the dates, that she would bump me up a few days.  

SO NOW, the new ultrasound date is Tuesday, April 28th at 2:30... and we are SOOOO excited!  Eddie has taken the afternoon off of work and we are going to go out and celebrate!  I know it is only 3 or 4 days earlier, but in our world right now, that is HUGE!  :)  

We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Danita said...

Can't wait to find out!!!!