First picture: how amazingly cute is this little guy? This is Andrea's baby, Wells, and I think this is seriously one of the most adorable pictures I have ever seen. I am obsessed with his little smile!!!
This one...he just doesn't quite get the whole concept here....
We took Hank to Petsmart to get a little bath. The boys were chatting on the way there....
And how I go to the bathroom these days. With all three boys hovering...
I ran into a restaurant to pick up lunch the other day. Andy saw the bowl of lemons to go in drinks and he started pointing and asking for one. I told him repeatedly that he wouldn't like it and he wouldn't want it. He insisted, so I said FINE. I gave a slice to him and he ate.the.whole.thing. Literally did not flinch. I worried about him swallowing the rind, so I stuck my finger in his mouth to get it all out. Crazy boy!
We went over to Chris's house this week to celebrate Catherine's birthday with the cousins. Her birthday party was while we were out of town, so we got to help her celebrate here! These cousins LOVE each other!
Cal's soccer season is under way and Andy is enjoying practice time as much as CalBoy is!
Happy little kid with his crown...
And that turns into a meltdown in 2.4 seconds...
While we were at Chris's house, we left lovie there-- unbeknownst to us. Maggie, his dog, picked it up and walked off with it. I turned our house upside down looking for the thing. I called Trader Joes, I called the gym, I cleaned my car multiple times. Andy is in love with this thing and he was so sad to not have it. He walked around looking for it saying, "Lala?? LaaaLaaaaa!!!!" It was killing me. In a last ditch effort, I text my brother asking about it and he wrote back, "oh yeah, that's here." Such a typical guy! Here is Andy looking under the bed for his lovie for nap time...
We had Cal's second soccer game this weekend. It was the team's third, but he missed a game while we were in Texas. He actually did really well! He dribbled the ball a ton and scored three times! Two of the times were in his own goal, but whatever. We were excited for him and he was thrilled! One time, he dribbled down the field in the wrong direction-- scored on his own goal, then ran out doing the gangham style dance. Seriously, y'all. I took a video, but it isn't uploading....
We got lovie back and washed him since he spent some time outside with Maggie and when we gave him back to Andy, he was SO SO SO happy! He didn't stop smiling and hugging him!
Saturday afternoon, we had a birthday party at the gymnastics place. Both boys got to go, so it was Andy's first time there. They both had a ball... Cal is on the opposite wall, stacking blocks, and Andy just jumped in...
Andy was hamming it up for my friend Ashly's camera. She sent me these of the wild one...
And, the little guy wearing daddy's hat this morning..
it is COLD and rainy here, but it has been a pretty great weekend! We went to church today and plan on spending the rest of the day watching basketball!