Saturday, October 11, 2014

Weekend Update: part one

Instead of doing one incredibly long post of our weekend, I am doing it in two parts.  We have a lot going on this weekend, which is fun!, and I am taking a boat load of pictures, so the weekend update is getting split in half. 


I was asked to sub at the preschool on Cal's class! I had so much fun in there and let me tell you: there is a HUGE difference between the preK class and the 2s class! Oh my word! I am dead exhausted at the end of a day with my 2 year olds-- I was barely tired at the end of the day with the prek-ers!

The day started early... this was my view when I put my feet on the floor... of course Andy is in his sleeping bag on the floor.  I am starting to think he just likes to sleep by Hank- ha!

Cal had his picture day the day before and Andy had his on Friday-- I thought he looked so sweet riding to school.

After school he showed me how he smiled...(he also picked his nose, but I am not posting that pic here...that will be in a carriedaway post- ha!)

We came home Friday and then  pretty much headed right back out again for a birthday party.  This was for Cal's buddy, Reeve, and it was at a pumpkin patch.  I was able to bring Andy along and we picked up Sally and Brad on the way.  Costumes were encouraged...our boys were happy to comply!

Right away the boys found the big ol' slide.  Andy, of course, said he was too scared to go down it...but then decided it wasn't too bad and went down it a bunch-- smiling the whole time!

The big boys had a great time climbing on all the hay.

After meeting up with the birthday party, it was off to pick out pumpkins! I thought it was really cute to see costumed kids trampling through the pumpkin patch...

Jack was there too! Apparently he didn't want to wear his costume though.... he had a power ranger one ready if he changed his mind. 

Cal was happy with his pick:

Sall and I felt so safe with these guys there to protect us!

We left the party and ran home where I flew inside and changed clothes (boys had other clothes under costumes) and we went to the club for kids club.  We had a great dinner with great friends and had so much fun! The kids had a great time too-- it's a win/win (I feel like I say that every single week, but it's true!)


We had a soccer game Saturday morning and we were SO excited about this game (okay, well, Cal was really excited about this game!).  His buddy Jack plays on this team and Cal couldn't wait to play against them.  I saw their team warming up for a game one week and the drills those kids were running were amazing-- they take rainbow soccer to a whoooole new level! The kids had a great game (and by kids, I mean Cal...Andy just kind of did a lot of screaming and finger sucking.  It was really fun.).

We came home and Andy wasn't quite all... and we decided it was a great time to paint his fingers with the bad tasting stuff- to get him to stop sucking his fingers... the fit that followed was nothing short of incredible.  It was like a wild beast in our house.  When he finally calmed down (he and Eddie had a slight come to Jesus was awesome), we had a pleasant afternoon! He didn't even try to suck his fingers one time! Praise! I think we probably need to reapply that junk every day (unfortunately...I can't handle that beast melting down every morning), but hopefully we are on the path to stopping that habit.  Maybe.  We will see.

We had plans to have family pictures taken Saturday at 4:45. I got showered and dressed, we showered the boys and got them all set and while Eddie was getting ready, I took the dogs out.  I looked up and thought "hm, the sky looks dark...might be interesting taking pictures!" And then I got a text from our photog saying "have you seen the sky? ummmm..." I walked in to talk to Eddie about it and then the next text I got from the photog was, "it is pouring..." I looked out and sure enough, it was full on pouring down rain.  So, we bagged pictures and instead spent the afternoon watching some amazing football games-- kinda perfect, if you ask me!

We did have to take one picture since we were clean and ready to go.  I couldn't just take off all of those clothes and not document that we were all ready!
(and, now that I am seeing both boys in white shirts, I am not loving it...glad I took a picture! ha! Maybe the while will look better outside....hmmmmm....)

Eddie's sister's husband, Tommy-- I just call him my brother-in-law...that's what he is, right? ANYWAY, he flew in Saturday night....I will update more about that later, but Eddie got him from the airport while I got Andy to bed and then watched the end of a game with Cal. 

We have big plans for Sunday for the BIG pumpkin patch! We went last year too and had so much fun! This year it will be so fun to have Tommy there with us...whether he wants to or not! hahaha!

Part two coming soon......


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