We left Thursday morning to head for Myrtle Beach. For whatever reason, they love to BOTH hold my hand in the car. I don't get it either. But they were really good on the way down, so whatever.
My brother's wife was down in Savannah with the kids-- she was having a sorority reunion with some college friends and the kids were with her parents, so Chris was solo. He got to spend some quality time with my boys! They were in heaven!
When we checked in, our room wasn't ready, and by the time it was ready, it was time to get showered and ready for welcome meetings and dinner. The boys were in need of some energy release so we all headed down to the beach. They had THE best time running and playing in the water...
I tried to get a picture of the boys.... Andy wouldn't stop staring at Uncle Chris!
Me and my sweet Momma!
Andy had quite a blast frolicking around in the sand--- hahaha these pictures make me laugh so hard.
Cal was in the water getting beaten by the waves-- they are never very rough in Myrtle, but they were this evening! Eddie finally had to get in with him because Cal was getting knocked down harder and harder.
I had SO much fun with my brother.... he's one of my favorite people.
The boys slept together on the pull out couch in the living room. It wasn't great, but they did better than we thought they would. Neither kid slept through the night and surprisingly, Andy slept better than Cal did. Cal was flailing around and kicking Andy. At one point when I went into the room, Cal was on Andy's pillow with a leg kicked over Andy's back-- and Andy was sound asleep! Last night Cal had spun himself around and his feet were in Andy's face, kicking him. He was asleep and just flailing around....!
Friday, I was so bad about taking pictures! We were down on the beach while Eddie was in a meeting and it was crazy trying to keep up with both kids (sounds stupid, I know!). One would be in the water trying to surf and the other would be walking down the beach away from me (you can guess which was which). No time to grab my phone to take pictures!
That night was a Disney theme night party. I was eating dinner and looked over at Cal who was playing pin the nose on the Olaf all by himself- ha!
That night, Eddie laid down with the boys to help them settle down-- and they all crashed!
From a photobooth at the party...
Saturday we played outside until a storm ran us off the beach. Before it rained, the boys devoured some ice cream!
Saturday night was the awards dinner...
The boys went to the child care....
My little twins!
I was SO proud of my family!!!
My sweet hubby going up to accept his award.....holla! I was taking pics for Eddie's mom (she's proud too) and clapping and hooting and hollering. I might be classified as proud.
We had a great time and loaded up the car to head home Sunday morning. Andy had a rough morning and threw a good number of fits (he didn't poop-- and still hasn't.....) and he just flat wore himself out! Bless his heart, he crashed and slept hard for almost two hours! Not going to lie- the silence was fabulous! hahah!