Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tummy Time

We are working on some tummy time so that Cal can build up his neck muscles so that I don't have to worry about him sleeping on his tummy every night. Here are some pictures of him doing his tummy time on his Boppy pillow:


Me and Eddie with our little PUP

We had such a fun time for Halloween! Mr. Cal was dressed up as a cracked me up! I tried the outfit on him at home first and I thought it was too cute. Hank was sniffing him and poking him thinking it was a stuffed animal for him. I took some pictures because there was no telling if he would cooperate later on in the night.

We took Cal over to our friend's house to go "trick-or-treating" with them. We ended up having a good group of people in a really fun neighborhood. The dads packed a cooler and the moms pushed strollers and tended to the kids.
Me and Katie with Miller and Cal (the dog pound)

It was SUPER hot here Halloween night so Cal stripped down out of his costume and sported a plain white onesie for the night. He started to get fussy as we were leaving Katie and Chapman's house so I took him out of the costume and carried him in my arms. He was so content and happy that I just carried him around for about an hour. He was sound asleep with his arm dangling down. I was sweating like crazy, but it was really fun.

We can hardly wait until next year's Halloween when he will be walking (maybe??). Having a baby makes this holiday so much for enjoyable. I wonder what he'll be next year.....

Sleep Wars

Oh, it's been a looooong time since my last post. I have been meaning to write, but never actually get around to it. I have been updating our MobileMe website often, so you can go there to see pictures.

I wrote before about working on getting Cal to sleep better. I talked with a lot of moms about what they did to get their kids down.

We tried mixing some rice cereal with some breast milk to give him in a bottle after his last meal of the day (I feed him until he's full and then give him a bottle mixed with the goods). The first night I tried it, he ate some of it, pulled away and then fell asleep. He woke up a few hours later ready to chomp down again.

We tried doing a routine and getting him to sleep in his crib (as opposed to my bed). It took 3 hours to get him calm, and by the time he was falling asleep, he was hungry again and ready to eat.

SO, I fed him the other night in my bed and then put him on my chest to burp him. He fell sound asleep on my chest (which I love, by the way), and I didn't want to wake him because he was so content, so I placed him in the bassinet next to my bed on his stomach. I know he is not supposed to be on his belly until he is old enough to roll over, etc.... but the kid sleep like a rock! He was out! He slept for 4 hours and then woke up to feed.

I am nervous with him on his stomach, but he loves it and that is the only way he'll sleep now. I am keeping him next to the bed so I can hear him. We have been feeding him at 12, 3, and 6....I am hoping to take out the 3:00 feeding. Hopefully that will be a post that will come soon!!!