ANYWAY, here's a look at the past few days for us. I haven't taken many pictures, but still...
Bruce found a golf ball and thought it was great. I freaked out.
We did do a little bit of reading over this long break (not as much as we should have....). Bruce enjoyed it.
Thursday of the snowmagedon, Andy and I built quite a castle. He was proud.
I kept them in the house until 8:45, and then they were gone. Off. Didn't want to be inside another second.
Cal just about ran out in his shorts before I grabbed him to put on pants.
Then he sprinted out, and forgot his gloves. He was ever so grateful when Eddie ran them out to him.
The neighborhood buddies had a fun time (seeing this picture I am realizing we are missing that yellow sled...hmmmm)
Bruce loves the snow. LOVES it. Sits at the window crying to go out he loves it so much. This snow was the wet kind that would form balls in his paws that I had to pick out every time we came back in.
I don't even know.
He made some legos (completely all by himself.... normally I have to assist....a lot.... this was ALL him)
That book Cal started must be pretty good.....
Cal had a family history project that was due Monday. We worked on it this weekend and I thought I would cry. I can teach 900 8th graders any day of the week, but it is HARD teaching your own kid! ha! Part of the problem was our technology. We quickly realized all of our devices are way outdated and do not support PowerPoint software. So we created a project in pages, only to find out that teachers are unable to convert or open pages on their computers at school. So I tried to buy powerpoint and that wasn't happening either......
but he worked hard in the mean time:
part of the project was creating a family tree.... he used this picture of me and Eddie and it makes me want to go somewhere warm and get a tan. Please.
And this sweet little baby is CalBoy at one month... tugging at my heart strings!!!!
Crazy it is going from single digit temps to 65 degrees this week....! Welcome to NC, I guess.......