I am 12 weeks pregnant today! WOOHOO! My babycenter.com update said my little sweet pea is the size of a lime and is about 2 inches long. Pretty cool, if you ask me!
I am still feeling great for the most part. I had some nausea last week, but it passed fairly quickly. The main symptom I have right now is EXHAUSTION. I had forgotten what first trimester exhaustion is like! HOLY CRAP: I can't keep my eyes open! I need to force myself to rest more when Cal is sleeping, but that is my go go go time to get stuff done. The doctor called yesterday to check to make sure my spotting had stopped and it actually came back again. I was told to listen to my body and rest....it's just hard to rest with a 13 month old who is going full steam ahead ALL the time!
No matter how tired or worn out I am feeling, I feel extremely blessed. God has given us some amazing gifts and we owe many thanks to Him. (Pardon the cheese....I just feel it's good to give credit where credit is due....)
On a side note, Eddie is flying SOLO with Cal out to Texas this weekend. They decided to do a trip for one last TCU home game while mom and I are gone (we don't leave until Sunday though....). I am excited for the Williamson's to get to see Cal and Eddie, but I am freaking out already. Let the waterworks start! When I drop them off on Friday, I know I am going to be a basketcase of emotions. I am going to be in my house without my baby or my husband for a few days until we leave. It's going to seem so....empty....and lonely. I know I will use that time to get all of the things done that I never have time to do, but it's going to be sad.....wahhhhhh!!!