Thursday, September 27, 2012

Life lately

It's been a while since I have posted about what's been happening around here-- I posted about Cal's birthday, about my favorite things, about our busy schedules... but not really a normal post....

I figured I would dump the pictures off of my phone and let them do the talking for what we've been up to lately...

You know you are a mom to boys when....

 We have soccer practice twice a week.  Cal LOVES going and actually really pays attention and tries really hard.  That said, I think we should probably stick to golf.... hahaha.... just kidding.  I think he will get better and better.  When he is solo with the ball (practice), he's great-- at the game where there are people running around and only one ball, he is a bit confused as to what to do.  But he runs hard and pumps his arms as hard as he can.

Here are two pictures from practice this week.  It is not easy keeping Andy contained during this hour, so there aren't many pictures from practices...

We had a charity event this past weekend and we got to get all dressed up.  I couldn't decide what to wear, so my fabulous sister in law, Carrie Beth, was helping me decide...

Again, you know you are the mother of boys when...

Cal is LOVING school.  LOVING it.  And I love that he loves it.  We pull into the parking lot and he can barely contain himself he is so excited.  Walking down the hall, there are kids crying and clinging everywhere, and then there is Cal Williamson-- hauling it down to his Fish class. Once there he cann't put his backpack away fast enough. 

The morning this picture was taken, he found a rock in the parking lot and he said, "I hafta take this in to show erre'one!" I took his picture because it was just really sweet.  He was so happy and excited.

While one boy is in school, I am trying to do something fun with the other one... this day I took Andy to the park for some solo play.  He thought it was great....

Andy also LOVES going to school.  He gets really excited when we tell him he gets to go and at pick up he is clapping and just SO happy.  I am beyond thrilled that they both love school so much.  I think I would have a hard time leaving them if they were the clinging and crying ones.

Also, Hank has been suuuuper attached to me lately.  I took this picture last week because he seriously was never further than 5 inches from me.  Which is cute and all, but when I was trying to get both kids dressed and out the door, it was more than difficult.  I realized he just needed a little attention so I sat down (and he sat as close as he could get without actually being on my lap) and we took this picture....I am starting to see some grey in his face, and I want to cry...

The charity event I was talking about above was Friday night-- I picked the pink dress... you like?? :) haha It was so fun to get dressed up and get OUT of the house with Eddie and our friends.  Sadly, I didn't get any pictures of me and Eddie together.  There was a fabulous photographer there, holla BROOKE DEVER PHOTOGRAPHY!!!! So hopefully she got a good one of us....

With my handsome daddy....
We had a BLAST dancing like crazy and my feet were ACHING after all of that fun.

The next morning, Saturday, Cal had a soccer game bright and early. We took this chair for Andy... he sat in it for about a millisecond and then was off running. 
 The Heffalump cheer:

 TCU also played on Saturday, after the game, so we came home to do our game day picture:
 This past week at school, they took advantage of "Talk like a pirate day" and made hats, etc... Cal played with his...
 The boys watched the first part of the TCU game, then they went down for naps early because we were going to the UNC game that afternoon! (One friend commented that we were doing a LOT of spectating on Saturday--hahaha!).

After naps, we donned our Carolina Blue and headed downtown. 

Andy just had to mow the driveway before we could leave...
 We were able to get tickets in the blue zone which was great for the kids... they sat with grandpa for the first quarter and then Andy was off and running...

 Cal sat frozen in his seat the entire time.  Did.not.move.frozen...unless someone was clapping and then he would suddenly come to life and start cheering like a crazy person.  We had several people remark they couldn't believe how well behaved and still he was.  He watched every single play.

Andy, on the other hand, discovered a group of cute girls (college girls!) inside and he was ALLLLL about flirting with them.  They thought he was pretty handsome too and they were very sweet to him.  Because of this attention, Andy was very content to walk strut back and forth by them smiling and batting his eyes-- how do they learn this so young???!!!

Cal came in at half time to get some icecream. He wanted to help Andy eat some...

 Sunday, Eddie played golf, so they boys and I played in the driveway a bit...
 Nugget got some ketchup:

Annnnd, Nugget likes to scare me to death....daily. 

Mimi sent Andy a new TCU sweatshirt.  We had a few chilly mornings so he got to wear it...

Again with the ketchup....
 Cal is enjoying gymnastics....
It's funny because Cal is a rule follower and a pleaser, but he is having a really hard time following ALL of the directions his teacher gives him.  They do little circuits in the class with around 5-6 different activities... the teacher starts out by showing them what to do (example: summersault down this ramp, walk over the balance beam with your arms out, then come over here and hop like a frog, then go over to his mat and do a table top, then come over here and do five kick backs, how many kick backs?? FIVE!)... Anyway, Cal does the first few things great, and then he gets a little confused and he tries to follow the kid in front of him by doing exactly what he is doing right then, instead of waiting for his turn, which gets him in trouble.  The teacher keeps saying, "Cal, you need to follow directions!" and you can seriously see he is trying so hard...
He might be a bit young for the class, but I think it will be good for him in the long run. 
 After 'nastics, Cal and I ran a few errands, including a stop at Wendy's where they had some Where's Waldo glasses for the kids meal.  This picture makes me laugh...

This morning, Cal was excited to go to school again....
 At pick up, they were on the playground, like normal, and when Cal saw me walking up, he started SCREAMING and swatting at his face like he was walking in a swarm of bees.  A teacher ran over to him, obviously concerned for this crazed child, and he said, "I don't wanna go home! I wanna stay here on the playground all day long! GO AWAY, MOMMY!"  Now. I am glad he likes school.  I am thrilled he loves the playground.  But to be honest, that little statement crushed me just a bit.  Okay, a lot. 
Once I got him and Andy back in the car (by this point, both were screaming and thrashing in their seats--good times), I looked back at Cal and I said "that makes mommy sad." Cal replied, "don't be sad, mommy, I love you a lot." Sigh.  Roller coaster of emotions! hahaha

And this picture is Andy's new face any time the camera/phone comes out....

This weekend we have a soccer game for Cal and a birthday party on Sunday.  Then on Monday, we leave for Texas for a week!  EEEEK! Let the packing begin-- I know I am ridiculous about packing-- but I kinda have to be!

Also, if y'all could shoot some good vibes my way about flying with Andy... can you even imagine??? Cal will be fine with the iPad, I think.... it'll be keeping Andy IN the seat that'll be the challenge.....

I am pretty sure there will be a funny blog post following our airplane ride...