Sunday, March 1, 2015

(ANOTHER) Snow Day

The news last week started talking about a big snow storm set to hit over night on Wednesday into Thursday morning.  Honestly, I didn't believe them.  We had already had some snow-- I thought they were off.  Turns out, I was the one "off."

We got loads of snow (for North Carolina).  School was canceled...again.  Westminster was already out for the day for a teacher workday, but I wasn't heading to work in snow like this!

Bruce wasn't sure what to think.  After the ice storm we had before, he wasn't sure how to walk in this stuff that sinks. 

Lots of trees were down and tons of my friends were without power... thankfully, we never lost it.  It was a cold day to not have power!

Eddie was heading to the airport for a surfing trip to Costa Rica, but he wanted to have some play time with the boys before he left.  

They trucked it down the street and Bruce was excited to get to go too!

Had to get a picture of the house....

Eddie left and we came in to warm up a bit, and then we headed out.  We went over to the golf course to go sledding on the 18th hole.  It was packed with kids and everyone was having a ball.  Andy wasn't going to go, but once the big kids left, he hopped on with Cal and LOVED it! I took videos of them going down the hill laughing hysterically-- makes this momma happy! They would sled down and then walk up together, talking about how fast they went-- so cute watching them together...

And then they were ready to go again!
This winter has been brutal, weather-wise.  We have missed SO MUCH school! We woke up this morning to some freezing rain and I am pretty sure you could hear all the moms in Chapel Hill scream nooooooooooooooo! I am sure we will have school tomorrow.... we better!