Saturday, November 21, 2009

HOT DOG!!! Momma's happy!

I woke up yesterday morning exhausted. We are trying to cut out one of Cal's nighttime feedings, but this means that momma still gets up every time he cries to put the paci back in and to soothe him until he is asleep. It is trying, but I know it is worth it. I looked at Eddie yesterday morning and I said, "This has GOT to start getting easier, because I am getting so tired!" I as getting up at midnight, 3:00, and 6:00 to feed, and then when we cut out a feeding, I was up at midnight, and then at 3 until about 4:30 and then at 5:30 again (ACK!).

But guess what? Last night, I put Cal down at 11:15 and he slept until......4:15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOT DAMN!!!! Pardon my language, but I can't even tell you how rested I felt when I went into him at 4:15! I fed him, and put him back in the crib (on the tummy-yay!) and my boy slept until 6:15! I brought him in bed with us and fed him again and we both fell asleep until 8---


Now let's see if it happens again...... please? please??? PLEASE?!?!?!?!?

JUST what I needed!

I have been stressing out about not having Cal on a schedule. He is 9 weeks old, not sleeping through the night, is unpredictable in his napping, and wants to eat all the time. Am I the world's worst mom??

Usually, when I talk to other moms about this, they suggest this book, or that philosophy...I always look into them, but really can't see me being THAT structured-- don't get me wrong: I want a schedule, but one where he can nap wherever we are, not in a pitch black nursery with whale songs playing (okay, that was an exaggeration....), but still, I want him to be able to be flexible enough to be able to nap anywhere, etc., and I just want to have some kind of predictability as to his eating.

Yesterday, I met a friend from college for lunch. Stephanie and I weren't in the same sorority at Elon, but we were in a bunch of education classes together and I always thought she was the sweetest girl. She has the most beautiful daughter who is 5 1/2 months and we had such a great lunch. Stephanie told me that her baby took until about 3 months to get into a real routine and she just kind of fell into it... no books about eat time/wake time/ play time....BLAH. Just let the kid be a kid and it will all happen.

Let me tell you: this was JUST what I needed! In hind sight, I think all of these other mothers that were telling me about the different philosophies were just making me feel less and less adequate as a mother. I know they weren't doing that on purpose, but when you talk to someone and they are *shocked* that you don't have your baby on a routine at 9 weeks, how are you supposed to feel?

So, Stephanie, if you are reading this: THANK YOU!!!! I loved having lunch with you and meeting your sweet little angel. I can't wait until we can do it again so you can make me feel a little more normal :).'s getting easier every single day...... :)


We have been giving Cal his bath on the counter of our bathroom, in his whale tub. After last night's bath, we will no longer be doing that. This went on for about 30 minutes, but we only grabbed the video camera for the last few minutes of it. It takes wayyyy too long to upload videos to the blog, but check it out on our mobileme site. You will see why he can't be on the counter any more! I am still cleaning up!