Thursday, January 10, 2019

Basketball Season

Moving on to the next big sport in our house: basketball. Andy's the most excited about this one. Cal realllllly wanted to try tennis, so we made him pick a sport- his swimming has taken off and he's swamped with it all. He said he would take a break from basketball.... fast forward, it's been too wet/cold/wintery to play tennis and he advanced to the next swim group, which practices when tennis would be so he should have just played basketball. Plus both boys could have been on the same team.  So many bummers. Oh well!

You know what's NOT a bummer? Getting on a team with red and green for the colors. GO BULLDOGS (and reindeer, if we wanted to change the mascot.....). What are the chances my Christmas loving kiddo would get this???

 Their first game was last night, and I must say, I love watching him play. There is SUCH JOY as he plays. He does not run down the court. He skips, happily. He is smiling and going for the ball and taking the shot. He even did some passing, which was great. He loves his coaches and his team mates.

Looking forward to watching more basketball from this kid!