Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Life Lately

It feels good to be back into a routine! Or close to it. I am not taking a whole lot of pictures still, but I am trying to make an effort.  I don't want to not have pictures just because I am not doing carriedaway again.

So, here's life...

What we are reading....

I finished The Rumor by Elin Hilderbrand and I really liked it!

 As I have mentioned before, I have "read" many of her books via audiobooks, so I am not sure if that's why this one seemed different to me (because I actually READ it)-- but I did really enjoy it! I found myself thinking about it when I wasn't reading- which I use as a meter to gauge how good a book is. It felt very similar to Liane Moriarty, who is one of my favorite authors right now. 

Next up, I am reading Me Before You by Jojo Moyes.... anyone read it?

I have heard great things, so I am excited to get into it.  I just finished The Rumor Saturday night (I am SO WILD!) and then we decided on Sunday the next book (my long distance book group). Sunday night I had to watch the Golden Globes...! And then Monday, I had to watch the Championship Game (I need to catch up on Bachelor!), so I am tad slow getting into the book.  But I am excited to start.  I am so happy to be reading more.  Hope I can keep this up. 

I got a lot of great feedback from the last Life Lately post that y'all liked the book recs for kids. 

This week, we read Work, Dogs, Work and it was cute! 

There is a whole series to these, so I plan on trying to find more in the library.  My boys love dogs (obviously), and construction stuff, so this was a good fit for them.  

Cal likes to read Danny the Dinosaur. He loved us to read it to him and now he likes to read it to us.  

Have y'all heard of the Piggie and Gerald books? They are adorable.  When I taught 6th grade and was pregnant with Cal, one of my student's parents was a lower school media specialist and she gave me a whole set of these books as a baby gift.  We have read and read and read them! And now Cal is reading them to us constantly.

There are a TON of these books--

We like Mo Williems in this house! :)

I will hopefully have more books for next week! 

What we are eating:

Last Thursday night, Andy and I had a date night (Cal and Eddie had nachos!).  Friday night, Eddie and I had a date night...! Saturday night was pizza :) and Sunday was grilled cheese.  

This week:

Monday: Slow Cooker Balsamic Roast-- I can not get the link to work for the life of me.  It is six sisters slow cooker balsamic pork roast (if you want to google it).  But I didn't use pork.  I thought this pot roast was delicious on a cold night! Both boys ate it (Andy doesn't love meat and he had seconds). Cal ate it up along side his salad-- and thought it was delicious with some ketchup.  Eddie wouldn't try it... go figure.  I thought it was good and easy-- thank you, crock pot! Plus, added bonus, it made my house smell soooooo good. 

Tuesday: Taco Cupcakes
These were YUM.  Very yum.  Even Eddie ate them....can I get an AMEN?! I used regular ground beef (with taco seasoning).  We added our own toppings and everyone gobbled it up.  I poured salsa over mine and added a small dollop of sour cream (light!) and a little bit of guac.  Yum.  The biscuit totally negates the workout Tuesday night, but whatever. 


Thursday: Sloppy Joes


What we are watching:
Things I thought while watching The Bachelor this week: update coming....!

We let Cal stay up to watch the first half of the Championship game (instead of me watching bachelor!)-- this might seem crazy to a lot of people, but for this little boy-- who loves every last thing about football-- this was awesome.  He was beyond excited.  And we enjoyed some special time with him.  

What's making me happy:
Andy has not sucked his fingers since Friday morning...! We have been painting them and he is doing SO well with keeping them out of his mouth! They say habits are made/broken in 7 days.  Maybe we are almost there....! And THAT makes me so so happy. I did not paint them on Tuesday and still no sucking...He hurt his hand while outside playing and usually, he would have come in and sucked his fingers until he felt better-- he didn't this time!!! Crazy, I tell ya. 
He is still a horrible sleeper.  Like horrible.  But, what else is new? He has been waking up and refusing to go back to sleep because he is scared of his dreams.  I wish I could control those dreams.  Ugh.  I can't imagine what in the world is causing that sweet boy to have nightmares, but I would like to fix that.  He gets on our floor still.  And lately begging to get in our bed...which is NOT allowed.  He is a wild sleeper.  Tuesday morning, I had to get up to get ready for work so I let him get in bed with Eddie... this was the scene when I got out of the shower:

 Nug looks so little all curled up... makes me happy.  Even though he's a bad sleeper.  I still love him. 

What I am wearing lately:
I am NO fashion blogger (clearly).  I live in workout gear. These zella pants are just about always on me. Eddie got me a pair of lululemon pants for Christmas and I love them!!! I wasn't sure about the grey-- and they do show crotch sweat (sorry for tmi), but I love how they hold me all in.

I also have been on a jammie kick lately.  I bought a few super cheap little night gowns from Target when I felt like I needed to step it up from sleeping in Eddie's old t-shirts. I loved those, but when my mom got me a pj harlow night gown, I became HOOKED. 

This is the nightgown she got me:

and it is seriously AMAZING. If you are looking for a gift for your husband/mother in law/best friend to get you, this is so so great.  

After several bloggers commented on how great Lake pajamas are, I decided to ask for a night gown from Santa.  He was kind and brought me this:

Once again-- it is amazing.  I want to wear it constantly.  It is short-- but it is supposed to be, I guess.  

I guess I am officially obsessed with nice pajamas now! I still rotate in the target jammies, but I look forward to wearing my nice ones...and will ask for more for any holiday I can!

Weight Update:
The weekend was hard.  Ugh.  Weekends are HARD! I was down after Thursday's date night with Nug, and then I was up a pound...and then down a half a pound.  Getting back at it Monday, I was down .5 (3.5 total), Tuesday, I was down another .5. So still 4 pounds total.  Which is great.  But I have a WAYS to go if I am going to reach my goal.  I have been really good(ish) this week.  We had a faculty meeting and I didn't eat a cookie...and I realllllly wanted one.  The taco cupcakes probably weren't fantastic for me... I am finger crossing that next week's Life Lately post will have me down at least 1-2 more pounds.  It's wayyyy too early to plateau.  Right?!