Monday, August 6, 2018

July 2018

Wow, I am really nailing this whole blogging thing lately. We have had a busy and fun summer! Guess that shows in my lack of posts...? haha

Here is a VERY brief look at our July (since I failed to post one time the entire month....). In (very brief), we swam a lot, learned to surf (Andy), held some babies (Hallie and Christian), spent some time at the beach and had a big, big swim meet!

Starting with 4th of July at the beach:

Baby Hallie holding:
 Baby Christian holding:

 More Hallie love:

And, a newfound obsession with surfing. He is actually decent. His arms aren't long enough to paddle yet, so he needs Eddie to "launch him" but he's getting it...

Home from the beach in time for a swim meet! These two found each other in side by side lanes. That's more than this momma can take. 

The parent reps worked hard this summer....

We had a birthday party out one night- Trish and Hallie came!

We taped all of our ribbons up on the door to the garage, each row is one meet. Boys loved seeing them up there (and I loved that you couldn't see the names on the backs of them!)

Boys had dentist appointments and were both cavity free: hollllllla

And we had a really, really big meet one weekend (Champs). I had to be there Friday night for the first session, so Ed sent me this picture of he and Andy "prepping" for the am. 

The boys and I arrived at the morning. Cal's hair says it all. 
 They both did SO well at the meet. Both of them dropped times and tried their best. Makes me stupid proud.

Working at the meet with Stacey- these are an exhausting few days!

This little relay team swam 100 free.... and broke the LEAGUE record- meaning they did it faster than ever before in the league. Pretty spectacular!

Sunday, we had the banquet for swim team. These two were looking sharp in their bowties... 

Cal received the coaches award, which was really special. He also received his 5 year participant medal, along with a medal for breaking the record- both the league and the team. 

A few friends had a night out with some Carolina football- any excuse to have a night out with friends is a great one. 

I had my turn at the dentist and got a cavity filled. I walked around for a good part of the day half smiling at people. 

Andy has been doing PT weekly. We love love love his doctor and feel like it's helping (I say that, but really have no clue. They do biometric screening each session and his muscles are getting stronger, which is HUGE. We didn't go this week or last, and he hasn't had as much "success" so I am anxious to get back soon. 

We have been golfing some, when we have time. I took the boys out one afternoon after golf camp, and the three of us had a little golf date. It was awesome. 

And we finished the month with a trip! I will do that post next!
I have so many more pictures I want to share and so much more I want to say, but I know I should just hit publish and be done! July was great!


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