Friday, January 5, 2018

Post Christmas at the beach

Last year at the beach, I posted pictures of the boys swimming in the ocean (in wetsuits). Two years ago, I posted pictures of us on a boat ride in shorts. Every year, I post pictures of us paddleboarding.

Not this year. It was C-O-L-D at the beach. I am not just talking chilly, but like 20 degrees with a wind chill of 7 every day. That kind of cold. The kind of cold that you just don't want to leave your house.

We made the most of it and had a fun time, even if it wasn't ideal weather. Crappy weather at the beach is better than most weather anywhere else, I'd say.

We did a whole lot of lounging, which was nice. We even took Cal's x-box which is like sacrilegious to me - the beach should be a break from that thing. But I will go on the record to say I am so so glad we did. It was too cold outside. Did I mention that?

Eddie and the boys decided to do a "polar bear plunge." I use that term loosely because they ran to my parents house, maybe 300 yards, and jumped in the HOT TUB, and then ran home. It was about 30 when they did this though. Here is Andy, ready to run:

 I bundled up in all the layers, took this picture and then high tailed it home. burrrr. But they were super cute:

 When they got home, they showered to warm up and then Andy perused a picture book by the fire.

One day, everyone was crawling the walls, so we went to a fun arcade/bowling place. They served beer.
 It was a perfect outing for all of us! Much needed!

See? Beer:
 Some of our CH friends were down at the beach too, so we coordinating meeting up with them. The kids all got along so well, which was great!
 A gorgeous sunset on the way home.

Mimi got a new vacuum while we were there and the boys found much entertainment with the box. It was such a good box that Andy begged to bring said box home with us. He colored the inside and called it his most favorite fort ever. 

 There is a marina in the neighborhood and some great climbing trees- the boys spent quite a while up in the trees.

They collected some "firewood" they were going to sell to neighbors. 

All that collecting is hard work. We came in and got comfy after dinner to watch all the football. 

And we fell asleep-

Bruce got closer and closer until he was nestled into Andy's foot. 

 Must not smell too bad...
 More snuggles the next morning. Bruce got a LOT of attention.

Back to check on the firewood. 

 Still there.

Eddie "bought" some of the fire wood and attempted a fire in the backyard. The wind was whipping though and it was way too cold out there. 

So we went to a bar with some friends instead. And on New Years Eve, we went over to a friends house from 4-9 to celebrate...and we were all asleep by 10:30! Not mad about it!

This was the sound as we were leaving: white capped and mad as hell. 

We came home on Monday, ready to send kids to school Tuesday, but there was a delay because of cold temps. They went on Wednesday and were released early because of imminent snow. They did not go on Thursday because of snow. And if I am a betting woman, they will not go on Friday because said snow will melt and then freeze. We shall see.


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