Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A Blonde Ambition

I know this is silly.

I don't even know the girl.

But that's the thing about this blog world.  You feel like you KNOW people who pour their hearts into their blogs, opening up and letting you into their little world.

I have been reading A Blonde Ambition blog for years now, so therefore author, Leslie, and I are besties.  Isn't that how it works??  From her posts, she is just adorable-- look at this smile! Hard not to like her, right?

I have emailed Leslie a few times to ask random questions and she always wrote back quickly and was always super sweet.

Leslie had two baby girls within months of each other (I think they were 13 months apart...). Right after her second one was born, she was having some health issues... she checked into a hospital very soon after she was born (maybe 6 weeks after) and spent 90+ days trying to get better (she had a pre-existing heart condition). 

They were having a hard time fixing the issue, whatever it was....

She posted this post last week, letting her readers know she was going to another hospital to try to get it all right.

And then today, I found out she passed away. 

Again, I do not know her.  At all.  But I feel like I do.  I feel like she's my friend.  I know it's silly.  She doesn't know me from Adam. 

I loved the way she wrote and her positive outlook on everything.  I loved reading about her and Stephen, and how they met (on Kelly's Korner blog Singles Day!).  She was always so adoring of him-- if that's even the correct way to say that....she thought the world of him.  And you can tell from pictures that he feels the same of her.


Leslie ended every post by saying: "Be Blessed, Lovelies...." And I love that! What a wonderful reminder.... BE BLESSED.

I will say this one more time, because I need to reiterate it: I know this is silly to be sad for someone I have never met.  Maybe her young age has reminded me of Molly...who I have been missing so much lately... my heart aches for her two young kids, who are growing up without their momma...much like Molly's kids. 

Life isn't fair.

A good reminder to BE BLESSED....



Sleepin in the Sun said...

Not silly at all, thanks for sharing, you are a blessing to all that know you!

Steph said...

OH MY GOSH CARRIE!!! I can't believe this...I LOVED her blog and saw her last post about going to the hospital....OH MY GOSH! I can't even believe this!!!!! My heart breaks for her family...

Elaine Welte said...

It's not silly. It's not silly at all. She was a light through her blog. She lit up the world. Hugs to you.