Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Beach Week: Part TWO

You can read about part one of our 11 day beach adventure here

Me and the boys left my parents beach house on Tuesday morning and headed to Sally's family's beach house (Eddie took the dogs home and went to work a few days before coming back for part 3!).

The boys were SOOOO excited to get there and see Brad and Jane! And I couldn't wait to see Sally!

Once we got there and got the car unloaded, we headed over to the beach.  These four had so.much.fun.together! 

Andy and Jane sat in the water chatting about the issues of the world.  Or maybe it was about the Duggar scandal.  Who knows? 

But I do know that when they get married, I am using this picture on the save the date card.  I guess the groom's mom doesn't do much with that part, huh? Oh well.  I love this sweet picture.  

I also love this one...

While I was taking pictures of the littles, the bigs were having the time of their lives in the boat.  They were taking it out super deep and riding waves it.  It was terrifying, but they were happy as can be out there!

After a full day out on the beach, we came in and showered and then headed to Tower 7 for some (amazing) Mexican Food. I swear to you, I could drink the salsa there.  It was amazing.

Too bad they don't like each other at all... they aren't having the least bit of fun.  Thankfully the restaurant wasn't packed because we made our presence known...! 

Wednesday we woke up and took a loooong walk! I am so happy Sally suggested I bring my double stroller.  She brought hers so we could walk together every morning.  I loved those walks! We walked all the way to the end of the island and then let the kids get out and walk down to the water.  

We took a pic of our crew...nice and dry....

...which quickly turned into this:
 They were diving under the waves immediately-- and laughing hysterically. 

We ended up decided to walk the strollers back on the beach since it was low tide.  Talk about a good workout....! It was tough, but it was really fun! The kids got out a few times to run in the sand and collect some rocks/shells/sea glass and then when they got tired, they would hop back in.  We were gone for several hours and had a blast getting our workout!

 We came home from the walk drenched in sweat. We changed clothes and headed over to the beach for a repeat of the previous day.  And it was perfect, again!

This might be my favorite picture of the entire trip.  How sweet is she?

The boys broke out the zinc oxide and some big beachy smiles...

Cal had some serious chaffing going on so he switched out of his bathing suit and into some mesh shorts...poor guy.  But he was tough.  Miss Sally had some magic potion to make it feel better.

They continued playing with the boat on the beach. 

We headed in and fed the kids some dinner then Sally and I got some take out.  Jane was helping us in the kitchen.  

Thursday morning, I had some monkeys in my bed with me.  

We loaded up the strollers again and took the 4 kids on a walk.  We walked to a few stores...and, could you just eat her up? Honest to goodness.  

 The boys ready to roll!

We headed over to Susan's house to hang out on their sound side beach, which was really nice and relaxing.  She brought down two babysitters and Andy fell in love.  This one took his paddleboarding-- check out that smile he's got!

Thursday night we went out to dinner at Portland Grill.  We had a group of 10 and it was SO much fun.  Sally and I in the uber together on the way to the restaurant.  This was the start of about 59 selfies of us throughout the night. #noshameinourgame

Why not take one in the bathroom? 

And then we asked someone to take one of the 3 of us outside of the restaurant... my girls.
 We had such a fun night!

Random, hilarious story...
I slept at Susan's house that night because Eddie was in town for a golf tournament and we were spending the weekend with the Grosses so it just made sense to go Thursday night. We all know Andy doesn't sleep worth a flip (sigh).  Around 1:30 I heard footsteps outside the bedroom door so I opened it, thinking it was Andy, and I saw a man standing in the living room.  He looked at me, I looked at him and I was royally confused.  I felt like Susan and Dustin would have told us if they were expecting company, but whatever.  I went to the top of the stairs, realized it wasn't Andy I heard, and I went back to my bed.  As I went back in my room, I saw the guy lay down on the couch.  I thought for a minute it was Susan's brother's friend, who was staying next door and maybe just decided to crash on the couch... then I thought maybe it was one of the babysitter's boysfriends who was in town...or something.  At 3:30, Andy woke up screaming bloody murder.  I ran out of my room and the man on the couch sat straight up and looked at me.  I looked at him and then ran down the stairs to get Andy.  I decided to just sleep down there with him to keep him calm. He woke up at six (#suckysleeper) and I walked up the stairs and the man was still on the couch.  Susan's daughter, Emma, also came up the stairs and walked over to the man (I was in my room, but could hear her) and said "I don't know you. Who are you?" When I heard her say that, I froze for a minute because all of the scenarios I was thinking it might be, she would know.  I walked out of my room to watch the man walk out the back door.
HE WAS A TOTAL STRANGER! There was a wedding party (the groom and all his groomsmen) staying on the other side of the house, so we all assumed maybe it was one of them, but they all assured us it wasn't them.  We think it was some drunk guy who thought it was his house and just crashed.  Well drunk boy was woken up in the night by a kid screaming and then again at 6 with a 3 year old in his face.  HOW CRAZY IS THAT?!?!
We couldn't stop laughing about it.  Needless to say, we double locked all the doors the next night! HA!


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