Thursday, February 26, 2015

ANOTHER snow day

Andy (STILL) doesn't sleep through the night...and when he woke up Monday night, he said "mommy, there is snow!" and I didn't believe him.  I think my exact words were "if you wake up the dog, you are going to be in trouble." #momoftheyear

Well, sure enough, we woke up and there was a LOT of snow (for NC), and it was still coming down- hard! I am not sure I have seen it snow so continuously for a whole day.  I kept thinking it would stop, but it didn't. 

After watching the news for delays and then closings, we spent the day at home! We have had soooo many days off this month! It is crazy! I was supposed to teach today and didn't, obviously. 

 So here is a look at our snow day!

The boys had quite a bit of iPad time...Hank had quite a bit of snuggle time.

Bruce played a killer game of hide and seek....

And then we finally started the process of getting outside.  I swear, the whole getting dressed process takes forever and wears me out every time! It is exhausting! haha

Literally the second the garage door went up, Andy dove on the ground to make a snow angel (and then he cried because snow got down his coat....)

Cal is not the least bit bothered by the cold.  I think he could have stayed out there all day.  

We went in the back yard and Andy wanted to eat some snow:

Bruce found a stick and was so happy! The dogs had THE best time out there running and playing.  They spent the rest of the day worn out napping.  They ran and ran and ran.  Loved seeing them having so much fun.  

Once Andy reached his too cold level (because, let's be honest, Cal could have stayed out forever and the dogs were super happy and I wasn't even cold yet), we all had to come in.  We shed all of our layers in the garage and came in and warmed up.

Cal missed school last week because of the ice so his teacher sent home some "homework" for the class to do.  He got to work on that while I prepared lunch.  

I also made a cookie cake... I shouldn't have.....but I did.  Why do I do this to myself?!?!?

Andy facetimed with his buddy Lee and asked him all about sledding in the snow. 

And Bruce decided he couldn't hold his head up for another minute.  He crashed right next to me. 

Hank was asleep on the floor so I joined him and then Bruce came and made his way right in the middle of us.  Eddie got this picture-- how sweet are they???

Once Eddie got home, Cal asked if he wanted to build a snowman (cue Frozen, please) and Eddie agreed... they made the cutest little guy:

Cal named him Ninja Kick, because, what else would you name a snowman?
 Funny random story about the snowman... Cal's teachers gave them a book for Christmas all about a snowman who comes to life at night and has a little party decorating the center of town with Christmas lights, etc... At bed time tonight, Cal said "I am going to wake up in the night and check out the window to see if Ninja Kick is awake and moving and having a party! It was just so sweet and innocent. Love that kid's mind.

While the boys were building a snowman, I made myself a little beverage and sent this picture to some girls on a group text-- we were all "toasting" each other.  I love my friends.  Have I mentioned that???? LOVE.  

After showers, the boys really wanted to just have some relax time on my bed.  I was fine with that-- they needed to start calming down.  Bruce jumped up there and both boys were laying all over him, completely smothering him.  Andy goes "you should take a picture, mom!" And Cal follows up by saying, "oh yeah, this could be the most perfect picture!" Think they know me well??? ha!

 We survived another snow day-- and I honestly had ZERO idea this was coming.  Not even a little idea.  I thought maybe there would be something on Thursday...? uhhhh.....
Mother Nature best get her act together!


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