Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A new set of wheels

Before we left for the beach for the 4th, we had to stop and pick up Andy's new bike! We made a deal with him that if he jumped into the pool and swam-- like a big boy-- he could get a bike.  He did it while we were in Myrtle Beach and then again when we got back home, so bike time it was!

He decided he wanted a pink bike.  The store only had one that was identical to Cal's grey and orange one-- so we went with that instead! He was so so so excited!

He still cannot stop himself and needs help starting too, but he made a ton of progress at the beach over the 4th.  We stationed about 4 people all along the way of this road that has a little wrap around at the end of it and off he went! He was a riding machine-- and it was SO fun watching him ride.  His little legs just pump and pump.

If only we could get him to master stopping and starting....

 Bye bye, Baby!!!


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