Friday, September 6, 2013

A fun (and busy) little weekend

A few weeks ago (I am SO behind in blogging....!), we had an action packed and fun weekend...

Cal was just getting over his funk, and unfortunately, I was picking it up.  Blah! It was a nasty virus that spread to us all-- Eddie got a cold from it, Andy got the cold and runny eyes, and I got pink eye.  Yes, PINK EYE.  Ugh.

But, despite all of that... it was a fun weekend!


CalBoy had his last teeball game of the season.  All in all, he loved it! It was HOT most of the games, but the last game was the most perfect weather! We all enjoyed this last game...

Andy started acting a little bit like he wasn't feeling great at the game.  We chalked it up to just being tired...

After teeball, we tok advantage of the amazing weather and headed to the pool for the rest of the morning! Andy played with Charlie, his buddy. 

See the enlarged belly above? Well, Andy was having a little trouble...umm...going to the bathroom and was not feeling great.  He ended up walking around the pool grabbing his bum and screaming "I want to pooooopoooooo!" It wasn't real pleasant.  So we headed home, gave him some dulcolax and put him down for his nap.  He woke up with a fever and still hadn't pooped.  He was grabbing his tummy and his bottom and was clearly in pain.  Eddie went and got a suppository for Andy, which worked wonders, by the way....and worked wonders ON the potty-- not in a diaper! yaaahooooo!

Sunday, we woke up and my eye was really not pretty.  It was red and uncomfortable, but I just assumed I got some shampoo in it, or some sunscreen.  We went to the pool for the morning and then that afternoon, Cal had a birthday party.  Andy and Eddie stayed home so we could go. 

This little boy is Cal's friend from the gym- he was SO surprised and excited to see him at this party! He is in the same class as the birthday boy. Cal couldn't believe it!

The bunch all lined up waiting to hit the pinata...

Cal taking a swing...

Monday morning, we woke up and I could barely open my eye.   Andy's eyes were runny, but not red, but his fever was still constant.  We were leaving for Texas on Wednesday and I knew if we were to get on medicine, we needed to get on it ASAP.  I did not want to take fever babies on an airplane.  SO, I called the pediatrician and we were able to get in.  Our sweet doctor took a look at my eye and told me to call my eye doctor.  

We headed home and everyone was all smiles in the back seat.  I headed to the eye doctor to confirm that my pink eye was, in fact, pink eye.  ugh.  He gave me some steroid eye drops and sent me on my way!

And, I have to end this post with one of my favorite pictures.... is there anything cuter than a tan line booty?


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