Sunday, August 25, 2013

sick week

Last Friday, Cal woke up with a fever and didn't really kick it until about Tuesday.  Unfortunately, Andy woke up yesterday from his nap with a fever...praying this is super short-lived.  It was inevitable that Andy would get it since they were together constantly.

I still managed to take an unheard of amount of pictures...

Andy wanted in on the snuggle time. 

In an effort to contain the illness to one kid, we did separate baths-- Andy loved having the whole tub to himself!

Without his playmate to keep him entertained, there was a lot of iPad time happening at our house since we couldn't go anywhere to PLAY! I am going to do a post on favorite iPad apps-- we have discovered some awesome ones that are actually super educational!

More iPad time for Andy! Hank was willing to play...

Andy needed to rest on Hank for a bit...

At one point of this sickness running its course, Cal's fever was 103.4...and the only thing that would touch bringing it down was a tepid bath.  He was so pitiful and SO hot, so I told him he could take a bath in the big tub, which cheered him right up! 

One day Toy Story was on TV...all three boys watched some of it together.  Love this!

Cal was really only content when his momma was holding him-- not easy to do when there's another kiddo needing me too....but I love the snuggles. 

This kid was in a good mood for the most part though!

On this day- he wanted the attention Cal was getting so he asked me to help him get "cozy on the couch" just like his brother:

Towards the end of this funk, advil was keeping the fever down and spirits were lifting!

Andy also mastered TCU Frog Fingers this week-- and he was SO excited! The level of concentration that was taking place for this picture was pretty much tangible.  He was grunting and mumbling as he was doing it.  ha! The season can now begin!

And, I can't leave out my 3rd son, Hank.  He was ON TOP of me the entire week.  Not sure if he was upset over Cal being sick or what, but this kid pup was attached to his momma!

He's pretty cute though, so I can't complain!

Here's hoping Andy's fever is SHORT-LIVED and that he stays happy.  We are flying to Texas on Wednesday and I do not want a sick baby on the airplane (or in Texas!). 


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