Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Life is flying by over here and I find myself only blogging an iPhone picture dump and leaving out a bunch of the *other* stuff going on. 

Like...we decided to take off the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs.  Actually, Cal tried swinging from it and it broke and was totally tearing up the bottom step, so we took it off and hoped for the best. And so far, so good! Andy will climb up a few steps and then we ask him if he wants to go night night.  He screams says NO and then comes immediately back down.  That is not really important, but to me and looking back at this blog, it kind of is!

playdate at a park with Charlie...the sun was warm, but the wind was COLD!

Also...we are big on manners around here.  Like, VERY big.  I drill it into both boys many times a day.  They say please and thank you and rarely need prompting (of which I am very proud!).  Andy used to just kind of holler a word that sounded sort of like thank you while waving his hand.  Now he has started saying "THANK!!!" Not thanks, or thank you.  But THANK.  And it is pretty funny.  We say THANK to the child care workers at the gym.  We say THANK to the grocery store people.  We say THANK to his teachers.  I should probably correct him, but I kind of love it right now. 

the weather is warming up! let's put on shorts!

And also...both boys preface each and every sentence they say with "Momma." There are days this gets really tiring:
"Momma, I want to go outside."
"Momma, are we going to Target?"
"Momma, can I have some milk, please?"
(those last three were Andy....)
As much as hearing that over and over and over again can wear a person down, I know I will so so SO miss hearing it when they are older and don't need/want me as much.  Sooo...should I start crying now??? hahaha- just kidding...

And also... the boys are starting to really play together.  I knew it would happen...and it doesn't happen all the time....but it is slowly starting.  It is so fun to watch and listen to.  This past week, Cal got a little stomach bug and he was just not up for playing.  He was exhausted and needed to rest.  Andy was straight distraught over this.  He didn't understand at all why his brother wasn't up playing with him.  Cal was on the couch resting and Andy kept bringing things over to him to see if he would want to play.  It was super sweet and pitiful.  He even took the puke bucket and wore it on his head.  (sigh)

Thankfully, the weather is starting to get nice so we have been spending time outside.  These boys need room to run! They are loving wagon rides and grocery cart races and driveway chalk drawings.  I am looking forward to summer time....it's coming!

 Andy had a TON of energy before bed the other night... he was killing me! (also, this is right before Cal threw up for the first time...)

Last week was spring break so we didn't have school or soccer.  I was going to the gym every morning so I could have my one hour break, but since Cal got sick Thursday night, I couldn't go on Friday.  We found other ways to entertain each other.... poor Cal was still not feeling great...

We played out in the driveway after naps on Friday.  Cal was feeling awful so he wanted to sit in my lap.  When he is sick, he wants his momma! (see above re MOMMMMMAAAA).  Andy is NOT okay with sharing his momma so he nudged himself on my lap too.  Cal stood up from this picture and threw up all over the driveway...

It was Eddie's birthday this weekend so he got permission to play golf Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Which is a lot of golf.  And a lot of time of daddy out of the house.  Especially after spring break.  Especially with a sick kid.  phew. 

We went to dinner Sunday night and Andy sported some glasses on the way there...

Yesterday, the weather was awesome so we had a picnic for lunch in the driveway.  Cal said it was the best picnic he's ever had in his whole life.  Since I am not sure he's ever had one.....

Then we played outside until rest time.  And it was awesome.  They love driving this truck around the back of the house and then appearing on the other side.  You can hear Andy laughing the entire way around the house.

We also had some races in the driveway...

Oh, Andy...

Soccer started back yesterday...Cal had a ball and I think he's feeling all better! Say cheeeeese (stick)!!!!
Eddie is leaving Thursday for the Masters.  Praying the weather stays nice so I can keep these boys outside and active....!!!
Also, planning on hitting up the wine aisle of Trader Joes before the weekend! ha!


1 comment:

EMT said...

Girl, I don't know how you do it! Supermom! If Brent had asked for 3 days of golf and a weekend away, I would have laughed in his face:) (just kidding.....maybe!) Hope everyone stays healthy and the weekend is uneventful!!