Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Moms know best

My mom really is the best. I know I write about her all the time on here, but I really and truly, honest to goodness do not know what I would do without her. 

We are leaving to go on our trip to the BVIs this Saturday (wooohoooo!) and my mom is amazing enough to keep both of the boys while we are gone.  This is extremely kind and we are so so so appreciative. 

watching the super bowl half time show.  just a little sex ed for my buddy. 

he made it to the (almost) end of the 3rd quarter

I made it to the almost start of the 4th quarter...thanks to eddie for capturing this one

This week has just been one of those weeks so far...I mean, it's only Tuesday-- how can I say that, really?

This weekend, our garage door broke and our cable/internet went out.  Eddie lined up Time Warner Cable to come Monday morning at 7 and, after being up at 5 with Cal who was having trouble sleeping since he stayed up too late watching the super bowl, I was out of it.  They called Eddie's phone at 7am Monday morning and he didn't answer it because he didn't recognize the number.  They rang the doorbell, which got the dog barking something WILD, so once I saw it was them, I ran down the stairs, setting off our house alarm causing Cal to go into hysterics.  All of this by 7:05. We came upstairs to get ready for our day after having breakfast and I saw Eddie didn't squeegee the shower walls-- really no big deal, but since I spent ALL day Saturday cleaning the house, I didn't want to see water spots right away.  SO, I got in the shower-- fully clothed-- to squeegee the walls and accidentally hit the nozzle with my elbow, dousing myself--again, fully clothed--in water. 

In conclusion, yesterday was SUCH a Monday.  Since the garage door is broken, we have to load up in the driveway, which is TOTALLY not a big deal.  But for Andy, as soon as he hits the driveway, that's his cue to run run run run run and not stop.  So I was chasing him around the yard trying to get him in the car (without stepping in dog doo) and when I caught him, he literally beat the tar out of me-- he is a strong one, y'all! Basically, I was ready to throw the towel in on the day by 9:26am. 

A killer leg workout helped. 

Also, flowers from my mom helped.  A lot.  She knows I love tulips-- they just make me happy.  She saw some while she was out running errands and picked them up.  I mean-- how thoughtful is that?? She was right-- I DO love them and they make me so SO happy.  It's the little things in life!

And today, it was Andy's day to have special Grandma time with my mom.  She suggested I bring him over right after taking Cal to school so I could have the whole morning to tackle my to do list...WITHOUT CHILDREN! I am pretty sure she had tennis plans or a lunch with girlfriends or a fun something or other to do, but she heard the desperation in my voice and just knew-- Momma's know best!

 My amazing mom kept the above little rascal today and I got a ton done. 

Mom, if you are reading this: THANK YOU for being you. 

Here's to a FABULOUS rest of the week!


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