Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Randomness


Hope you all enjoyed the weekend.  My in-laws left Friday evening, and as wonderful as it is to have the extra hands to help out with the boys, it was really nice having the weekend just the four of us (plus a furry big guy).  We didn't do anything too exciting; just enjoyed each other's company.

This is a completely random post, with no real "purpose" which I guess is okay...right??? Sprinkled throughout are some pics from my iPhone.

*On Fridays, one of my favorite blogs to read, Blonde Ambition, does Confessional Friday where you can link up your blog and post your confessions from the week.  I had a whole slew of confessions for this past Friday, but I confess that I never got around to creating the post.  I also confess that I wouldn't link up my blog since it is private, but still... Anyway-- y'all should check out her blog if you are bored or looking for something to read.  Her confessions are always humorous to me... maybe you are more mature than moi. 

Here are two of my confessions today:

*Have y'all tried the Wheat Thins Sundried Tomato and Basil crackers yet? They should call them crack because they are addicting.  Eddie and I can consume an entire box in one night. 

*And while I am on the food kick, 2-ish years ago, a friend posted a link about Diet Sierra Mist with Cranberry. It is a holiday special and they only bring it out in December.  Well, that year, I fell in love with this drink (crazy, right??).  This past year, they rolled them out in December, and by December 4th, the store was sold out and I was told they would not be getting any more.  Seriously.  Yesterday, I ran to the store to get some corn for the cookout, and what did I see? Yup, DIET SIERRA MIST WITH A SPLASH OF CRANBERRY on sale, 2 three liter bottle for 3 bucks! WOOHOOOO! It is Christmas in June! ho ho ho

*Yesterday, Eddie and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary, HOLLA! When his parents were here, we had a fabulous date night and went to a favorite restaurant and a local bar afterwards.  It was a wonderful night together.  Since we had that special date night, we just wanted to have a low key day together yesterday.  I wanted to go to breakfast as a family (I am a sucker for a good brunch), so we went to brunch, then came home to put Andy down for a morning nap.  When he woke up, we all went to the pool. After the pool, Eddie grilled out on the big green egg-- it was a perfect day for us! I realize that marriage is hard and takes work... I am just thankful to have Eddie to be my partner in this craziness. 

June 24th, 2006

*Andy, AKA Nugget, AKA Nugget-licious, AKA Chubs, AKA Anderson...
Andy NEVER crawls any more.  He HAULS booty everywhere.  He doesn't even really walk any more.  It's pretty much a run.  He has gotten to be SO much fun lately.  Eddie even commented the other day how much fun he is now.  This was around my favorite age with Cal too.  They just get such a little personality at this point!
helping me pack
Andy is able to open the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs (sigh) and can get up to about the 5th or 6th stair before I catch him.  When I hear the gate open, I shout NO! and he glances over his shoulder and then takes off up the stairs.  Lovely, right?
he thinks sun glasses are hilarious.  I think they are pretty funny on him too...
Also, Andy is completely fearless.  Now that he is walking, the pool is a whole different ball game.  He walks straight towards the deep water and does.not.stop.  He just walks straight in! I feel like I have been at the gym for hours after 20 minutes at the pool with Andy.  Cal is much more timid and knows his limits and loves to be where he can touch (however, he loves to go under and "swim" too).  Andy still loves his momma and will shove others out of the way to get to me.  He will scream and push Cal AND Hank if they are loving on me.  Makes me feel loved...and slightly crazy. 
in the bathroom at the summer regional in Myrtle Beach.  He was OBSESSED with that toilet.  Also, please note this is the spot where I spent many hours (standing up-- not actually using the potty) waiting for the kids to sleep

what? your kid isn't obsessed with a potty?
I borrowed my friends Ergo carrier while we were at Myrtle Beach.  This is AMAZING.  I am wishing I got one of these instead of my bjorn.  Andy's chunk legs can't fit in the Bjorn anymore, but still fit in this with lots of room to grow!

*Eddie left this morning and is gone until Wednesday evening.  I have a girls' night tonight with the mom's in Cal's playgroup.  I love these women and I am excited to go out with them.  Even if it is a Monday night...and the Bachelorette is on.... that's why there's DVR, right?!?!?! But I do enjoy watching it live with the 130 people in the forum on facebook.   So fun. But sushi tonight will be more fun!

More pics...

Riding down to Myrtle with my parents...they have headsets in their car and Cal thought it was awesome
final night awards dinner in myrtle
there was a "crazy hat" theme for the last night.  My mom's friend made us fascinators-haha!
Eddie wore a shower cap

Eddie's sister got Cal this shirt... we had to take a pic to send her and I thought Cal's smile was sweet....

 What? Your child doesn't wear a cape to the grocery store and run around with one hand in the air yelling screaming SUPER CAL!!!!! ? are missing out. 

 What? Your child actually uses the DOOR of his play car? He doesn't insist on using ONLY the window to get in and out of his car? Wow. You are missing out. 

Cal got to spend some time golfing this week with Mimi and Poppy.  He was in a sand trap....

Mimi and Poppy got the boys a water table and it has been a HUGE hit.  It took Cal 4.2 seconds to disrobe and climb on in.  I guess the view is better up there...

Nugget doesn't have a baby or a blankie, per se, but he LOVES this little polkadot one and this elephant.  I put him in yesterday for naps and he grabbed hold of that thing and was out immediately! Maybe he has one more than I think...

*And also, if you are looking for someone to pray for, I just heard from an old friend from elementary/middle/high school who is having a rough time in life right now.  I think she has just been handed a whole load of lemons, and she is having a hard time turning them into lemoncello.  Just if you get a sec to send some positive thoughts her way, I know she would appreciate it.  She is weighing heavy on my heart and my mind right now and I pray she knows people are thinking about her.

And, just because truer words have never been printed:

I hope you enjoyed this randomness.  Now I am off to shower so I don't smell like this for my girls' night tonight... although I don't think any of them would mind... they are those kind of friends. But I mind.  I stink. 

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