Wednesday, May 2, 2012

boys boys boys

The sickness has LEFT the building, thank goodness!  PHEW!  I still have a little bit of a cough, but I feel a TON better and the boys seem to be back to all good too.  Last week kicked my rear, and I was so looking forward to this week of just getting back on track.   

I realized I haven't done a post just updating on life now with these boys, so it was about time...

Starting with ANDY...
 Andy is 11 months old now and I! I just mailed out the invites for his 1st birthday party and I am in shock that he could possibly be old enough for that.  We are just doing a really small get together for his party.  With so many kids with older siblings, the party could get out of control FAST, but we wanted to do something for him... so a small little pool gathering it is!
 Andy is not walking yet, but he is pulling up on EVERYTHING and he has started letting go more and more.  He loves to walk while holding hands-- it is more of a run-- but as soon as you let go, he will stand there and then drop to his bum to crawl.  He is a SUPER fast crawler.  It is CRAZY to watch how quickly he can get from point A to point B.  Cal was never a good crawler, so it is wild to see Andy go.  I am not sure when he will start walking-- he is very efficient at crawling, so he might be content to do that for a while. 
 He is in to everything.  He is so speedy too, so it is difficult to keep up with him.  He will get into one thing, and I will move him away from it and pick up whatever he did, and then when I turn around, he is into something else already and making an even bigger mess!  He is a wild man! 
 The above picture is sideways and I can't adjust it, but you can sort of see his top two teeth are breaking through.  He has the bottom two and now the top two are making their way in.  It looks as if he will have the Richards gap.  For those who did not know me when I was younger, I had a gap so big, my mom could fit her finger through it.  (cute, huh?) BUT, I never had braces, so we will see what happens with Andy's teeth. 
 Again, he is into everything, and he is getting really good at hearing the word NO! haha!  Cal says to him all the time, "no, no, andy! that is a no touch!"  Think he has heard that a time or two??  So, in the above picture, I told him no touch for the night light.  I took it away from him and put it on the dresser, and when I turned around, he was doing this, below...
 I swear, he is always into something! hahaha! It is definite non-stop!  I remember when Cal was at this stage of not yet walking that I was just so ready for him to start walking (Cal started at 10.5 months).  I am ready for Andy to walk just because I think it might slow him down a bit and make him easier to catch.... not sure if that is in my near future though!
 ta-dah! he loves to stand up and show off his newest trick.  He can hold it for quite a while, but then gets nervous and drops down. 

Andy continues to be a good eater, but he has started lately not caring for meats of any kind.  Cal loved hamburger meat and chicken and chicken nuggets...Andy throws them as fast as I put them on his tray.  He LOVES fruit and I have to work hard to get him to eat anything other than fruit.  He loves bananas and I've been getting those little fruit cup things and he will devour those in no time at all.  I gave him some mac and cheese the other night and I thought he was going to eat the cup.  He CHOWED down! He was shoveling it down and screaming for more and then clapping when I brought him more.  Funny sight, for sure!

 We are starting to drop the morning nap.  It's a little soon, I think, but his naps are starting to be inconsistent if he takes his morning nap.  He still gets sleepy around 9:00, but he has been pushing through just fine.  He wasn't always taking a morning nap, so he would sit in his crib and talk or laugh or jump up and down for an hour or so while Cal and I were chomping at the bit to get out of the house.  When he doesn't sleep in the morning, he take a wonderful afternoon nap and I am grateful for that.  If he does nap in the morning, his afternoon nap is off and he doesn't sleep for very long.  Cal was down to 1 nap a day by this point in his life too. 
Andy is just so much fun and we are having the best time with him. It makes my heart hurt to think about how fast he is growing up. I just want to kiss him non-stop everyday all day. 

And on a side note: it was at this point in Cal's life that we got pregnant with Andy.... just some food for thought.... NO, I am not pregnant, and NO, we are not trying again-- don't worry.  Just throwing that out there. 
  Now on to Cal!

 It is getting harder and harder to get a picture of him! He won't stand still and he refuses to look at me....ahhhh, such is life with a 2 and a half year old!

Cal is SO much fun right now and his vocabulary is growing everyday, which is really fun too.  I love to hear what he has to say and he loves to tell me stuff!  He is such a sweet boy and he has really grown up over the past few months.  Just when I think I couldn't possibly love him any more, I fall more and more each day. 

 He can be so naughty and make me so mad sometimes, but then he looks at me with his sweet little head cocked to the side and gives me the sweetest smile and I can't stay mad at him.  He has really been enjoying plowing into Andy lately.  He will see Andy crawling and he will run up to him and pretend to fall right into him-- knocking his shoulder into him and laying Andy out flat.  This lands him in timeout, and when he comes out, he immediately goes over and squats next to Andy and says "I so sorry, nugget. You okay? You okay, nugget?"  He calls Andy either Nugget or Ahn-dy (with a soft A).  I think it is freaking adorable. 
Cal's little legs are solid muscle and covered in bruises.  He is SUCH a little boy! The other day I was actually worried the people at school might say something to me since his legs are like one big bruise.  It doesn't seem to bother him though!
 Cal doesn't nap very often anymore, but he goes into his room for quiet time everyday.  He stays on his bed and I make him try to sleep for an hour, and then I will give him the iPad for an hour, which he loves.  He sometimes watches movies, but a lot of times I will hear him in there playing the the different apps working on spelling and the alphabet.  I figure it can't be all that bad of a way to spend that time! It gives both of us a break and he comes out of his quiet time super happy and ready to go go go!
 These two little munchkins are just so much fun and we love them to pieces. 
 That was a boring post, I am sure, but I needed to do a quick update on the wild ones.  Our country club pool opens this weekend and it is supposed to be super hot so I am excited to take the boys.  We told Cal we were going to go to the pool this weekend and then later we asked Cal what he wanted to do this weekend and he said "go to the pool an go swimming just like in Mexico!" Pretty good memory for a 2 year old!

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