Monday, November 28, 2011

Grandma's Turkeys

My mom, AKA Martha, made each of her grandbabies (as she calls them) a little turkey shirt for Thanksgiving.  Actually, it's pretty funny... I showed her a shirt that I found online with a little turkey applique on it and she immediately said "well, I can make that!" and literally that day she was off to the craft store to make these shirts... she is amazing, seriously. 

Here are Grandma's turkeys after eating Thanksgiving dinner-- they are wild and messy and couldn't be happier!

pretty sure Cal was trying to count the turkeys...

I know these cousins are very THANKFUL to have each other all living so close.  They love being around each other and really have a blast together. 

I am so thankful.

1 comment:

Sarah murphy said...

Andy has an orange nose....did he find the sweet potatoes?

Very precious. What a great looking group.

Love you.