Thursday, October 6, 2011


Are you starting to feel like the majority of my posts are about bodily functions??  I guess that's the life with two boys...

The other day, Andy was sitting in his chair, happy as can be, while Cal and I ate lunch.  It was close to his nap time, but he was so happy... he let out a little fuss while I was cleaning up lunch so I went over to get him.  He was COVERED in poop.  It had some how managed to go around the front of him and up his chest (along with up his back).  This was mega.  At first I thought he had a massive spit up because there was so much down the front of him....nope-- it was poo!

I picked him up and tried to asses the damage.  It was pretty severe.  I begged Cal to come up the stairs with me and Hank decided he wanted to join us too... so the 4 of us (me, two kids and a dog) made our way through two baby gates and up the stairs (I add this detail because going up the stairs is a challenge-- the gates are tough while holding the hand of a 2 year old and a squirmy 4 month old...add in the poop, a kid who didn't want to come upstairs, and a wild dog and you have my scene). 

After laying Andy on the changing table, it became extremely evident that a bath was necessary.  His outfit was a one piece that had to go over the head to take off.  Sigh. 

Removing the clothing caused all kinds of smearing.  I won't go into details, but I will say it was in the hair, up the nose, etc, etc...

Running a bath while trying to hang onto a poop-covered wiggle worm is a challenge.  I am all about a challenge though.  He was sliding through my hands while laughing because that's just what Andy does now!

Oh, and while I am wrestling with the poop head, Cal and Hank are having their own wrestling matching.  Cal was running up and down the hallway while holding Hank's baby behind him, so Hank was chasing him.  Cal was screaming: "Hannnnk!  Where areee youuuuu????" followed by "HANK, NO! NO, HANK! HANK COME!" over and over again. 

Cal was laughing hysterically the entire time, and he would fall down from laughing so hard and Hank would pounce on him and lick him.  He was screaming with laughter-- the more he screamed, the more Hank would bark, which would upset Andy, which would make him cry... it was a crazy cycle. 

Just a little peek into one afternoon with me....

Here is my little poop head (literally)

1 comment:

Abby M. Interiors said...

Carrie, I'm just catching up and cracking up! I still remember when Cal pooped on your bed and it got on your shirt. ;-) That pictures is perfect and so funny--after the fact.