Wednesday, August 31, 2011


What a fun day, Mr. Cal had yesterday!!!

Ever since my parents sent this back from Africa, Cal has been OBSESSED with giraffes!

He sees them and points to them and screams "AIR AFFE!" He also has developed a love of el-fants (elephants) and a bunch of other animals.  My parents showed Cal their pictures from Africa and Cal was just blown away.

Jackson, Cal's cousin, is off from school this week (he goes M-F, so this is really a treat for him to be off!), and my parents wanted to take the boys to the NC zoo.  So, yesterday morning, Grandma and Grandpa loaded up their car with 2 carseats and both boys and headed out to the zoo! Cal had THE best time.

I begged my parents to take lots of pictures and they did not disappoint!

i love love love this one

 How cute is my dad pushing the double stroller?  I am obsessed with my double bob, and mom said it worked great for their trip to the zoo!
Cal loves his Grandpa-- he calls him Poppa (and it makes my heart melt)

 Apparently, Cal had a car with him that he wouldn't put down.  He would run it on all of the animals and he paid more attention to the car than the gigantic creatures right next to him!

how sweet is Jackson feeding the monkey a chip??

And finally, the air affes!!!

THANK YOU, Mom and Dad for taking the boys to the zoo!  I know Cal had just the best time...he took a wonderful nap after he got home and is still talking about all of the animals!!!

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