Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dear Cal....

While Mommy loves you so so so much, she REALLY is not ready for you to drop your nap. She thoroughly enjoys spending lots of fun time with you, but she also thoroughly enjoys your nap time.  That is her time to recharge her batteries so that she's able to chase you around constantly all afternoon with a smile on her face.   

Just because Mommy stopped napping all together when she turned two does not mean that you should.  Ask your grandma about the trouble she got into when she didn't nap.....

You are an active little boy who needs his rest...and mommy needs you to have your rest. 

That is all for now.  Sweet dreams, you little wild child.


PS: It's tempting to read you this bed time story, titled "Go the F*#@ to Sleep", narrated here (fast forward to about a minute in).  (Mom, don't click on the link...there is bad language....that goes for anyone else that might be offended by foul language--or if you are reading this at your office...)

1 comment:

Abby M. Interiors said...

Good luck! I hope it's just a phase for you. Jack dropped his naps as soon as I quit working. (3 1/2) Maybe if you put him in his room for "quiet time" he'll still fall asleep?