Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The downstairs play space

We have a wonderful "bonus room" upstairs, but I knew I wanted to have a room downstairs for some of Cal's toys so he would have things to play with when I am in the kitchen cooking (or, let's be honest, eating), or just doing things downstairs.

The previous owners had this room as their formal living room.  I thought we were going to use this space as an office/play area, but we were able to use a room upstairs for the office, so it became the play space...and I LOVE it!  I am realllllly happy with how this room turned out.

Play space: BEFORE

 (gauzy window treatments-- again, gone immediately)
 I do love the windows in this room-- looks out to the front of the house
Play Space: AFTER!!!

 We are going to hang HUGE pictures of the boys in red or blue frames on the wall opposite of where I am standing.
The bookshelf that has bins of fun stuff: cars/trucks, balls, toys, etc, etc....it was night time when I took these pictures (with my phone), so it's hard to see the shelves.  I will take another picture in the daylight so you can see them all put together with cute things on them!

In between the two windows, we put a little table and chairs for the boys.  Cal loves to sit there now with a snack or a book and he realllllly likes to climb on top of of the table and scream TAH-DAH!  Mom is not so much a fan of that....

Another look at the bookshelf-- I think we are going to get another lamp for on top of the white table:

Standing on the opposite wall, looking out-- a bin filled with bigger toys and a mirror low down because he loves to look at himself and make faces- hehe

And the other side, a bin of puzzles and a small little bin for his shoes and boots.  You know this kid loves that bin!  He loves his shoes!

Hope you've enjoyed the downstairs play space!  I will post more when we hang more things.  I am trying to stay on top of blogging through it all.  Isn't it fun to see before and after?  They are subtle changes, but I think it's still fun to see. 

It's coming together!!!

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