Friday, April 29, 2011

We are IN!

It is killing me not updating the blog with all that's been going on....I certainly want to, but finding the time is darn near impossible.

I have been working like a dog getting things settled over here. Slowly, but surely, things are coming together. I have to remind myself that I am 9 months pregnant and I need to slow down from time to time....easier said than done :)

I am taking a bunch of pictures of the house as it progresses and I will post those soon. There will be a long update coming soon-- I promise!

Just wanted to let y'all know I am alive...and baby is still cooking away! 19 days left....YIKES! BUT-- his room is almost 100% put together and his bedding that my mom made is to die for cute....again, pictures coming soon!


1 comment:

Danita said...

Yay! That is so incredibly exciting! Don't work too hard Momma- you need you rest, as much as you can get of it anyway! Excited to see more pics! :)