Wednesday, March 16, 2011

18 months!

WOW! Can my sweet little guy really be 18 months old today?? Before we know it, he will be TWO!  Everyone said that from 15 months to about 19 or 20 months are extremely hard with a baby.  They are developing their own opinions and are not afraid to share them (read: he likes to say NO).  I will say, things have gotten so. much. easier as of lately.  Maybe it's because we took the trip last week and I got a little break from the wild child, or maybe it's because he's growing out of this tough phase.  Or maybe it's because I am learning how to pick my battles and to relinquish some control (you wanna wear your rain boots all the damn time?  FINE!).  I think it's been a combo of all of the above that have made life so good lately. 

this morning: getting ready for our appointment! Brushing teeth, sporting a stylish robe

I love being a mom.  I really really really do.  It's hard.  But no one said it would be easy.  I love the challenges that I am faced with in this journey and I think it's so much fun to watch my son grow and learn (it'll never get old saying my son.....I can't believe how lucky I am).

Speaking of growing and learning: we had Cal's 18 month check up this morning! He was quite a ham at the office.  We got there a little early- not sure what was up with that.  I've been wayyyy late to every other appointment.  Go figure. Anyway, we were there early, so Cal had some time to play with toys in the waiting room.  Oh, and he wanted to wear his bug boots.  I tried to put on his cowboy boots because they look really cute with jeans and there was almost a meltdown to end all meltdowns in the parking lot of the office (yes, I travel with multiple pairs of shoes), so I choose to not pick that battle and he got to wear the bug boots!

 Playing in the waiting room!

When we got called back, he waved BYE to everyone in the waiting room (who were all cracking up at his boots) and grabbed my hand to walk back with the nurse.  Let me just say how much it melts my heart to have him reach up and grab my hand.  I don't know what it is about his little hand in mine, but he loves to hold my hand and I love love love love to hold his.  I don't ever want to let go....

Distracted, sorry...

We went into the "triage room" to get weighed and measured.  The nurse tried to help by removing the boots.  Ohhhhh buddy.  Not a good idea, ma'am!  After I calmed him back down again, Cal was measured and when she tried to measure his noggin, he got SO upset.  Apparently, when they reach 18 months, they aren't big fans of people touching them...good to know!  The nurse swore it was fine and totally normal.  I felt terrible.  As soon as she was done, Cal (in just a diaper), put on his boots and tromped through the entire office to the complete opposite end of the building to the examination room.  People were coming out of their rooms to look at him.  It was hilarious.  He was holding my hand (sigh), and holding his head high and clomping down the hall like he owned the place!  Cal would say "HI" to every single person we passed, and he swung his free arm.  It was great.
hanging out in the room wearing just a diaper and boots waiting for Dr. Kathy (have I mentioned how much we love her??)

Here are his measurements for 18 months:

Weight: 24 pounds, 11 ounces-----> about the 25-50th percentile (this is the lowest he's ever been in weight--percentile wise....I think it's because he is SO SO SO busy)
Height: 32.5 inches-----> about the 50-75th percentile
Head circumference: 50.2 cm -----> 97th percentile!!!!!!'s from the brains, really!

She was really happy with him developmentally, and therefore, we are too. 

We talked about his lack of TV watching... I know it's not great for a kid to watch TV a whole lot, but this kid doesn't watch it AT ALL.  I mean, we try....we try all the time (which I am not bragging about at all!), but he doesn't care a thing about it.  I didn't know if this was odd, since all of the other kids his age we know love to at least watch one show on TV.  The only thing he will ever pay attention to (other than GameDay and The Today Show) is Wonder Pets and that's only when he's strapped down in a chair, which is a trend I am not fond of.  I just didn't know if this was a sign of some ADD for later on down the road.  Okay, make fun of me, but the kid will not sit still long enough for 30 seconds of a show..... we just decided that he would much rather be going going going and watching TV takes up too much time.  I guess I should try to adopt that mentality....maybe?  But, I love the Bachelor..... (hmmm, does he get his ADD from me, perhaps???).

We had a big afternoon that ended with us playing in the yard and me taking a ton of pictures :)

Here is our monthly shot:

I just love this airplane flew by and he was so excited:
 He's so serious in this one, but I love the expression on his face:

 The "boys" were having such a fun time together.  Cal would find a stick, Hank would take it from him and Cal would crack up.  This went round and round and round....

And finally, just some other fun shots of Mr. Cal Boy!
 Thanks for reading all the way to the end....phew!  This was a long post!


Emily said...

Just when I think he can't get any cuter! LOVE LOVE the picture in his robe! Can't wait to have a little one running around! xo

Unknown said...

OK..Cal is just TOO cute in those boots. He has grown sooo much..what a cutie pie!
Connor just had his 17 month bday...and I too am loving every minute...lots of challenges, but he seems to learn something new everyday and the little things like mama and reaching for my hand (like you said) melts the old heart:)
Excited to see your newest addition