Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday, Monday

It was SOOOO nice having Cal and Eddie home. The house was way too quiet without them here!  My mom is keeping Jackson and Catherine (my niece and nephew) this week (she's sharing duties with my brother's mother-in-law), so she has Jackson right now.  We took Cal over to their house Sunday late afternoon to let Jackson and Cal have some play time together.  It. Was. Awesome!  I loved watching the two of the play together!  They are hilarious!  Cal follows Jackson and Jackson loves to say "c'mon Cal! C'mon!"  They were like two little peas in a pod playing together and it had all of us in tears cracking up. 

My parents have a tent in their basement for the grandbabies and Cal and Jackson thought it was SO much fun to run into the tent and then run out screaming while we all cheered.  Cal was beside himself he was laughing so hard.  My dad crawled into one side and pretended to be stuck and Jackson was trying to pull him out by his jean pockets.  Cal had both hands over his mouth and was laughing so hard he was snorting.  I was crying I was laughing so hard. I only took one picture of the tent, because I was laughing too hard the rest of the time!

After all of that play time (and oh yeah-- there was a football game on too!), it was time for bed.  The boys were stinky from sweating so much so mom and I put both of them in the tub together.  They had a blast!

I love how close they are already and, as cheesy as it is to say, I love the thought of them becoming even closer as they grow up.  Between these two and my next little guy, these kiddos are going to have a blast wrecking things together! haha!

This morning, I had a doctor's appointment, the glucose test-- ugh!, so I had Cal up in the bedroom with me while I got ready.  I looked back and him and cracked up at how he was sitting:

 He had his little feet crossed and was just chilling on momma's bed!  Love this little guy :)
 oh, and check out that bedhead/cowlick! haha!
I think my glucose test went well.  The drink didn't taste as bad as I thought it did last time, but I felt pretty bad afterward.  Guess that's just a realllly sugary drink to consume!  Hard to believe I am already 24 weeks!  ACK!

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