Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jackson's birthday party

My nephew, Jackson, turned 3 this past week and we went to his birthday party at Playnation on Saturday morning.  It was the PERFECT place to have a party!  The place is huge and they shut it down for birthday parties, so his party had the run of the place.  I meant to get more pictures of the other kids, but (of course) Cal was grabbing my attention.  He really wanted to go on the big slide, but is not quite big enough to go on his own.  It was wayyy hard for momma to get up the stairs while holding Cal and balancing a belly, so my mom took him.  She thought she was just going to take him once or twice, but he kept running over to her and doing the "more" sign over and over and over again.  Here are some pictures of them going down the slide.....

 He would giggle all the way down the slide, starting at the top, and everyone was staring at him because he was laughing so hard.  After about his 50th time down, he got very brave and didn't want to wait for Grandma!  Luckily, she was quick and was right there to grab him to go down together.
 cracking up!
 All of the electricity in the place did a number on Cal's hair and I thought it was SO funny!  So, of course, I had to document the wild hair....

 There was one slide that was a blow up slide-- the whole thing was like a HUGE jump house, and you climb up the ladder and then go down the other side.  Eddie took Cal to the top and I thought they were going to slide down together....Eddie got up there and let Cal go!!!!
He was squealing all the way to the bottom and started doing the more sign over and over again.  It scared the life out of me, but once I saw how much Cal loved it, how could I not crack up?  It was so stinkin' cute to see my little man going down such a huge slide!

After playing, all of the kids went into the eating room for some pizza and cupcakes.  Cal, never one to turn down food, chowed on both.  In the below picture, he took a bite of cupcake, then shoved pizza in his mouth immediately after.  He is looking at me like, what?  It's good! haha
 Who me??
 This was 4 minutes after we pulled out of the parking lot of the play place.  His eyes weren't even all the way shut, but his eyes were crossing and he was OUT!  So fun!

On a side note....happy birthday to my sweet nephew!  I love him so much and can NOT believe he is THREE!!!


Emily said...

He is toooo cute! And I love the video with Hank!

The Geers said...

These pictures are hilarious! I love the hair pictures and all 3 of my boys (daddy included) sleep with their eyes half open! He looks like he had a blast!