Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Cal is OBSESSED with balloons now, and loves getting one at Harris Teeter while we grocery shop.  I took him yesterday and skipped by the free balloons because I honestly wasn't thinking about them, and started shopping.  We got to the card aisle where they have the really nice balloons and Cal LOST it.  He was pointing and shouting/screaming something that sounded like BAHHHHHH!  (he wasn't crying or throwing a fit, he just got SO SO SO excited by the balloons there).  We pointed at the balloons and ohhh and ahhhed over them and then went to the next aisle.  Cal would not stop pointing and screaming BAHHHH, so I went to the front of the store where they have the free ones and tied one on to the cart.  He was in heaven! Two women came up to me and said they've never seen a baby get that excited about a balloon before... It was really hard to get a picture of this because he was waving it back and forth non-stop.... here ya go:

1 comment:

Steph said...

love it! reagan does the SAME thing! i think she knows that harris teeter=balloon! too cute :) can you believe you have an almost 11 month old?!?!?