Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hurricane Cal

Hurricane Cal came to town yesterday and he wrecked some havoc in our house! We stayed home yesterday afternoon instead of doing some kind of outside activity (pool, story time, museum, play group, etc), which is rare for us. We both like to get out of the house. For some reason, we just stayed home and we had SO. MUCH. FUN! Cal is super busy, but I love his busyness! It is wonderful to watch the wheels turning as he figures something out or his expression as he does something that he thinks is funny.

I followed him around for 45 minutes of the day with a camera, just to try to document what we were doing....keep in mind, this was only 45 minutes of the ENTIRE afternoon....

2 side notes: 1. Cal is shirtless.... that should be your first indicator about our day! 2. Hank would NOT leave us alone the entire day! That's why he is in so many of the pictures. He loves following Cal around.

First, we went UP the stairs (notice Hank...)

Then, we played with the electrical outlets until Hank came busting through the door
Then, we went DOWN the stairs (notice Hank's paw in the top right picture)
Then, after noticing Hank's "baby" we played keep away with the dog.

After going all the way DOWN the stairs, and then back UP them again, we played in the nursery. He was thrilled to find the letters he tore off of the wall. He also enjoyed opening up his drawers and walking under them.

Next, we rearranged the changing table and found the most exciting thing ever: a diaper!

Back downstairs we went, where Mr. Cal found the next more entertaining thing ever: a CUP! He "drank" out of it, threw it, put it on his head, pounded on it and chased it! Who knew a cup was so much fun?
A favorite from the day :)

And, of course, Hank couldn't miss out on the fun....
ONE. BIG. MESS. (I love this kid soooooooo much.)

Cal chased the cup into the guest room where he discovered Daddy's golf clubs! FUN!

ohhhhh.....a window! Wonder what's out there?

(after these pictures, Cal attempted to carry the golf club up the stairs and was furious when he couldn't figure out how. I had to put the camera down to do a little redirecting)

I woke up this morning sore, and couldn't figure out I think I know!

1 comment:

Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

love that pic of him, the big one under the pic of hank. He is so adorable. Hopefully I can meet him one day! Thanks for your encouraging comment on my blog!!!